Basic Operation
This button can be used in conjunction with the keyboard to
mute or solo specific tracks. Tracks which are muted produce
no sound during playback. If a track is soloed, only that track
will be heard during playback.
To mute any number of tracks in the PATTERN or SONG
mode, press the KEYBOARD [MUTE] button. The [MUTE]
button indicator will flash. Next, press the keys correspond-
ing to the tracks you want to mute — an “M” will appear
above the track numbers of muted tracks on the LCD Display.
Each time a key is pressed while the MUTE mode is engaged
the corresponding track will be alternately muted and un-
muted. You can then disengage the MUTE mode by pressing
the [MUTE] button a second time (the [MUTE] button indi-
cator will go out), and the current mute settings will remain in
effect. Five separate mute setups can be memorized for in-
stant recall as described in the “Mute Memory” section, be-
While the [MUTE] button indicator is flashing it is also pos-
sible to mute all tracks simultaneously by pressing the black
key labeled [ALL]. In the same way tracks 1 through 8 can be
muted at once by pressing the [1-8] key. In this case the re-
maining tracks (9 through 16) will all be un-muted. The [9-
16] key mutes tracks 9 through 16 while un-muting tracks 1
through 8. Pressing the next black key (C#) or the one next to
that (BPM) will un-mute all muted tracks.
Only a single un-muted track can be soloed at a time, and
unlike the mute settings, the solo function will be disengaged
when the MUTE mode is disengaged. To solo a track, press
the [MUTE] button while holding the [SHIFT] button. The
[MUTE] button indicator will flash at a faster rate than when
the MUTE mode is engaged, and the indicator above the cur-
rently soloed track will flash. Simply press a different key to
solo a different track, then press the [MUTE] button a second
time (the [MUTE] button indicator will go out) to disengage
the SOLO mode.
Mute Memory
While the MUTE mode is engaged, the MUTE MEMORY
buttons (the highest 5 black keys) can be used in conjunc-
tion with the [SHIFT] button to memorize the current mute
setup: press a MUTE MEMORY button while holding the
[SHIFT] button. Up to 5 different mute setups can be
memorized in this way.
Memorized mute setups can be instantly recalled while
the MUTE mode is engaged simply by pressing the ap-
propriate MUTE MEMORY button.
Styles in the RM1x PATTERN mode can have up to 16 “sec-
tions,” — “A” through “P.” Each section is effectively a sepa-
rate pattern, and different sections can be used for introduc-
tions, variations, breaks, endings, etc. The SECTION mode
allows the keyboard to be used for direct section selection,
allowing you to quickly change sections during playback.
When the KEYBOARD [SECTION] button is pressed the
[SECTION] button indicator will flash, keyboard indicators
corresponding to sections which contain data will light, and
the keyboard indicator corresponding to the currently selected
section will flash. The current section is also shown by the
“SEC” parameter on the LCD Display. To select a different
section, simply press the appropriate key. Press the [SECTION]
button a second time to disengage the SECTION mode (the
[SECTION] button indicator will go out).