3. MIDI Filter
Specify whether or not MIDI Note On and Note Off messages will be passed.
MIDI Note On messages are produced when a note of the keyboard is pressed, and Note Off messages when a note
is released. If these MIDI messages are cut, there will be no sound.
Pitch Bend
Specify whether or not MIDI Pitch Bend messages will be passed.
MIDI Pitch Bend messages are produced when the PITCH wheel (knob) is operated. They are used to smoothly
change the pitch.
Program Change
Specify whether or not MIDI Program Change messages and the control change messages Bank Select MSB and
LSB will be passed.
Program Change, Bank Select MSB and LSB are MIDI messages used to select voices.
Control Change Specify whether or not MIDI Control Change messages will be passed.
MIDI Control Change messages convey many types of information, such as Modulation Wheel, Pan, and Volume.
Specify whether or not MIDI Channel Aftertouch messages will be passed.
Specify whether or not MIDI Polyphonic Aftertouch messages will be passed.
Specify whether or not MIDI System Exclusive messages will be passed.
MIDI System Exclusive messages are used to reset the tone generator and to operate internal parameters.
3. MIDI Filter
MIDI Filter settings allow you to strip out specified types of MIDI events from the stream of MIDI data that passes through the
MIDI IN connector or MIDI OUT connector.
MIDI Filter settings apply to recording and playback of the sequencer block. They have no effect on the tone generator block.
The display indicates whether the corresponding type of MIDI event will be passed or cut.
The specified MIDI event will not be passed.
The specified MIDI event will be passed.
To uncheck or check a filter item, use the cursor buttons to highlight the desired check box, then use the [NO -1]
button to uncheck the box or the [YES +1] button to check the box.