Voi ce Cre a ti on Ex a m ple s
Follow ing a re ex a m ples for crea ting som e of the m ost com m on sy nthesizer sounds, including Sy nth
Ba ss, Strings, Electric Pia no, Electronic O rga n, Sy nth Bra ss a nd Sy nth Lea d. Ta k ing the tim e to w ork
through the sim ple steps to crea te ea ch w ill give y ou a deeper understa nding of how the va rious tone
genera tor pa ra m eters w ork together, a s w ell a s how to pra ctica lly a pply the Control M a trix .
N ex t let’s tw ea k a few pa ra m eters to a dd ex tra
depth a nd dim ension to the sound…
6 . Fine-a djust the sensitivity, filter a nd FEG.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCF], then
press CO N TRO L kno b 8 o nce to display the Vel Sens
(Velo city Sensitivity) parameter in the LCD. Turn the
kno b to set a value o f abo ut “ +3 0 ” , to increase the
sensitivity applied to the VCF with playing streng th.
N ext, use CO N TRO L kno b 5 to further adjust the VCF
Cuto ff. Use kno b 7 to set the FEG Depth to yo ur liking ,
and use kno b 8 to further define the Vel Sens
acco rding to yo ur playing style.
The Velocity Sensitivity setting affects the rate of change of the FEG Depth. The
FEG Depth setting determines the range of the change.
7 . Set up the sy nth ba ss sound for lega to pla y.
Set the [EDIT RO TARY] switch to the VO ICE SCEN E
SETUP menu and press Po ly [UP/ DO W N ] to set the
Po ly mo de to “ leg at” (leg ato ). Playing the keybo ard
pro duces o nly a mo no pho nic no te, and yo u can slur
the bass no tes into each o ther.
8 . Fa tten up the sound w ith Unison pla y.
Press the [LAYER] switch o nce to select the Uniso n
mo de. (“ UN ISO N ” appears acco rding ly in the rig ht
area o f the LCD.) This pro duces a much thicker so und
when yo u play, stacking up five so unds with each no te.
9 . Boost the filter resona nce.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCF] and
press CO N TRO L kno b 6 to display the Reso nance
parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set a value o f
abo ut “ 6 0 ” , which will emphasiz e the harmo nics near
the cuto ff frequency.
Synth Ba ss
First let’s crea te the funda m enta l sound…
1 . Select a voice tha t y ou don't m ind w riting
Perfo rm a Type 1 (N o rmal) Vo ice Initializ e o peratio n.
2 . Set the oscilla tor w ith a low interva l for ba ss.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 1 ], then
press CO N TRO L kno b 2 o nce to display the Pitch
parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set a value o f “ -
1 2 ” , which is an o ctave lo wer than the basic pitch.
3 . Filter out the roughness.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCF], then
press CO N TRO L kno b 5 o nce to display the VCF
Cuto ff parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set a
value so mewhere near “ 6 0 ” , which results in a much
ro under, o r smo o ther so und.
4 . Tighten up the susta in.
Press CO N TRO L kno b 3 to display the Sustain
parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set a value
near “ 0 ” , which will g et rid o f the flabbiness o f the
so und.
5 . Beef up the volum e.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCA], then
press CO N TRO L kno b 6 o nce to display the Vo lume
parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set a value
near “ 1 1 0 ” to increase the o verall level o f the so und.