EF Bypa ss
(Effect By pa ss)
Effect Bypass setting s let yo u bypass specific effects,
which is co nvenient when creating an o rig inal vo ice.
Bypassed effects will no t be applied to the o rig inal
so und, and when the EF Bypass is “ o ff” , the sig nal will
flo w thro ug h all effects units.
Yo u can cho o se to bypass all effects, o r o nly Delay
and Reverb, o r o nly Reverb. Since EF Bypass is a
system parameter, it will no t be saved as vo ice data,
and therefo re will remain as yo u set it reg ardless o f
which vo ice is selected.
Turns o ff the Effect Bypass, so the sig nal flo w will bypass
the effects units.
O nly Rev:
O nly the Reverb effect will be bypassed.
O nly Dly :
O nly the Delay effect sig nal will be bypassed.
Dly & Rev:
Bo th Delay and Reverb effects will be bypassed.
The sig nal bypasses all effects in the Effect blo ck,
including Variatio n Effect, Delay and Reverb (excluding EQ ).
Effect By pa ss M a rk
The Effect Bypass mark will appear in the LCD when the
Effect Bypass is active.
N a m e
N ame parameters let yo u select a vo ice Categ o ry and
up to ten characters to g ive a custo miz ed name to yo ur
edited vo ice. There are two parameters, Curso r and
Char (Character).
Cur so r
The Curso r parameter lets yo u po sitio n the curso r at the
vo ice Categ o ry field o r any o f the ten character fields
fo r the vo ice name.
Cha r
(Cha ra cter)
The Character parameter lets yo u select a vo ice
Categ o ry (when the curso r is po sitio ned at the vo ice
categ o ry field) o r a character (when the curso r is
po sitio ned at a vo ice name character field).
Ava ila ble cha ra cters: