1 0 . Apply vibra to to the voice.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 1 ] and
press CO N TRO L kno b 8 to display the Pmo d Depth
(Pitch Mo dulatio n Depth) parameter in the LCD. Turn
the kno b to set a value near “ +2 0 ” . This applies the
vibrato effect to the vo ice when yo u play.
N ext, let’s set up the vibrato to be applied by the
[MO DULATIO N ] wheel, in o rder to co ntro l the amo unt
o f vibrato as yo u play. Chang e the Pmo d Depth setting
back to “ 0 ” .
W e’ ll use o ne o f the 1 6 sets in the Co ntro l Matrix to
assig n the VCO 1 Pitch Mo dulatio n Depth parameter to
the [MO DULATIO N ] wheel.
Set the [EDIT RO TARY] switch to the VO ICE SCEN E
SETUP menu.
• Press Set No [UP/ DO W N] to display “Set 1” in the LCD.
• Press Param [UP/ DO W N ] to display “ VCO 1
Pmo dDp” in the LCD.
• Press Source [UP/ DO W N] to display “A.MW ” in the LCD.
You can also assign a Control Change number to the Source, by which to control
the Parameter. In this case the Control Change number must match the setting in
the UTILITY SETUP menu’s Control Device and Control Number.
Yo u can co ntro l the vibrato by mo ving the
[MO DULATIO N ] wheel. To further define the rang e o f
vibrato co ntro l, press Depth [UP/ DO W N ] to set the
value o f abo ut “ Dp+2 0 ” .
There a re m a ny other pa ra m eters y ou m a y
w a nt to a djust to get just the right sound y ou
w a nt. W hen y ou’ re finished w ith the editing
process, perform a Voice Store opera tion to
store y our crea tion. For inform a tion, see pa ge
9 8 .
Stri ng s
First let’s crea te the funda m enta l sound…
1 . Select a voice tha t y ou don't m ind w riting
Perfo rm a Type 1 (N o rmal) Vo ice Initializ e o peratio n.
2 . To a chieve the sound of m ultiple pla y ers,
w e’ ll use both V CO 1 a nd V CO 2 oscilla tors.
then press CO N TRO L kno b 2 o nce to display the
VCO 2 Level parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set
a value o f “ 1 2 7 ” so that the VCO 2 can be heard.
3 . Adjust the interva l betw een the oscilla tors.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 2 ], then
press CO N TRO L kno b 3 o nce to display the Fine Tune
parameter. Turn the kno b to set a value o f abo ut “ +7 ”
to create a slig ht interval.
4 . Soften the a tta ck of the sound.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCA], then
press CO N TRO L kno b 1 o nce to display the Attack
parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set a value
near “ 5 0 ” to pro vide a slig ht delay between the time
yo u press the key and the so und starts.
5 . Increa se the relea se tim e of the sound.
Press CO N TRO L kno b 4 o nce to display the Release
parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set a value
near “ 6 0 ” so that the so und ling ers fo r a sho rt time
when yo u release a key.
N ex t let’s tw ea k a few pa ra m eters to a dd ex tra
depth a nd dim ension to the sound…
6 . M ultiply the string sounds w ith Unison
Press the [LAYER] switch o nce to select the Uniso n
mo de. (“ UN ISO N ” appears acco rding ly in the rig ht
area o f the LCD.) Set the [EDIT RO TARY] switch to the
VO ICE SCEN E SETUP menu and press Uniso n Detune
[UP/ DO W N ] to set a value o f abo ut “ 1 2 ” to increase
the detuning between the Uniso n no tes.
7 . Apply the Chorus effect to the sound.
Set the [EDIT RO TARY] switch to the VO ICE CO MMO N
menu and press Vari EF Dry:W et [UP/ DO W N ] to set
the balance between o rig inal and Cho rus to abo ut
“ D<W 1 0 ” . (Cho rus 1 is already assig ned as the
current Variatio n Effect.)