V CO 1
W hen KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 1 ] is
selected, the eig ht CO N TRO L kno bs will access specific
Vo ltag e Co ntro lled O scillato r 1 -related parameters,
including wave selectio n, pitch specificatio n and wave
co ntro l.
For more information about VCO1 , see pages 1 0 , 3 0 .
W a v e
The W ave setting determines the VCO 1 wave.
Available waves depend o n the current SYN C status
(o n/ o ff).
W hen SYN C = off:
saw, pulse, saw2 , mix
W hen SYN C = on:
saw, pulse, Innrl, Innr2 , Innr3
The difference between saw/ pulse Sync on and Sync off is only a slight nuance in
sound which becomes especially distinctive when the Pulse Width ( see page 6 2 )
is set to a value other than 6 4 .
sa w (Sa w tooth)
The saw (sawto o th) wave derives its name fro m its shape,
and is used to create a trumpet o r vio lin so und. Since it
co ntains all harmo nics in the spectrum, it pro duces a full, rich
so und. W hen used with the Pulse W idth functio n (see pag e
6 2 ), increasing the even harmo nics can raise the pitch to a
maximum o f a full o ctave.
pulse (Squa re)
The pulse (square) wave is used to make wo o dwind (clarinet-
type) so unds. Its spectrum is similar to a sawto o th wave, but
since every seco nd (even-numbered) harmo nic is missing , the
wavefo rm co ntains o nly o dd-numbered harmo nics when Pulse
W idth (see pag e 6 2 ) is set to " 6 4 " .
PW = below 64
sa w 2 (Sa w tooth2 )
The spectrum o f the saw2 wave is created by a sawto o th
wave co mbined with a pulse wave, and therefo re is slig htly
different than the saw1 wave. W hen the Pulse W idth (see
pag e 6 2 ) is set to 6 4 , the shape o f the wave is the same as
saw1 . Even if yo u increase the even-numbered harmo nics by
the Pulse W idth, the basic pitch remains the same.
m ix
The mix wave is fo rmed by a co mbinatio n o f saw and pulse
innr1 , innr2 , innr3
W hen SYN C is set to “ o n” , three “ inner” waves (Innr1 -3 ) are
available. This wave is effective when used with Pulse W idth
(see pag e 6 2 ).
Pi tch
The Pitch setting determines the pitch o f the VCO 1 in
semito nes. Turning the kno b to the rig ht raises the Pitch,
while turning it to the left lo wers the Pitch. The center
po sitio n (value = 0 ) is the basic pitch.
-6 4 ~ 0 ~ +6 3
PW = below 64