Se le cti ng Voi ce s
The AN 1 x co mes with 1 2 8 vo ices already prepro g rammed and
ready to play. N o t o nly are these vo ices first-rate and hig hly
useful in their o wn rig ht, they fo rm a dynamic living example o f
the AN 1 x’s vast so nic rang e and po wer, as well as pro vide an
excellent basis fo r study o f ho w vo ices are co nstructed.
They are also g reat fo r use as a starting po int fo r creating yo ur
o wn vo ices— by making slig ht o r sig nificant mo dificatio ns to suit
yo ur needs o r taste— which yo u can then sto re in the AN 1 x’s
memo ry fo r instant recall at any time.
O f co urse, if yo u want to ro ll up yo ur sleeves and g et yo ur
hands o n the VCO , VCF and VCA to build up an o rig inal
vo ice fro m scratch, yo u can easily initializ e a vo ice (i.e.,
reset each parameter value to its initial setting ) and start
fro m there. The AN 1 x even pro vides a few handy
templates which save yo u time and all the tedio us effo rt by
making all the basic setting s fo r certain types o f so unds fo r
yo u, so yo u can pick up fro m there and co ncentrate o n just
the fun and creative stuff. (See pag e 3 0 ).
Voi ce Se le ct O pe ra ti on
Each o f the 1 2 8 vo ices has a Pro g ram N umber
between 0 0 1 and 1 2 8 . Yo u select a vo ice using the
PRO G RAM CHAN G E keypad. There are two ways to
do so , as fo llo ws:
Input a num ber betw een 1 a nd 1 2 8 , then press
Press [+ ] or [–] to increm ent or decrem ent through
the voices sequentia lly.
The vo ice name, as well as vo ice Categ o ry and
Pro g ram N umber, appears in the LCD.
Ba si c O pe ra ti on
You'll find the process of getting to k now the
AN 1 x to be fun a nd inspiring—especia lly if y ou
k eep a few funda m enta l things in m ind a s y ou
select a nd pla y the voices, try out the va rious
controls a nd ex perim ent w ith the pa nel fea tures
for the first tim e. Follow ing a re som e im porta nt
a spects a bout ba sic opera tion of the AN 1 x
w hich w ill help y ou k eep things in their proper
contex t from the very sta rt.
AN 1 x O pe ra ti ng M ode s
Fo r the mo st part, except when perfo rming a specific Sto re o r
MIDI bulk dump o peratio n, the AN 1 x is basically always in Vo ice
Play/ Edit mo de. This means that during play, as yo u turn the
vario us CO N TRO L kno bs, chang e the parameter values o r
setting s using the Edit matrix [UP/ DO W N ] switches, select a
Layer mo de, etc., yo u are actually editing the vo ice. (The “ EDIT”
mark will appear in reverse type in the lo wer left area o f the LCD
the first time any vo ice data is chang ed.)
Ho wever, these chang es o nly remain in effect as lo ng as the vo ice
is selected, unless yo u sto re the newly edited vo ice using a Vo ice
Sto re o peratio n befo re selecting ano ther vo ice. If yo u do n’t sto re
the chang es, they will be lo st when yo u select a different vo ice.
The AN 1 x is a very fo rg iving instrument, ho wever. A Vo ice
Recall functio n (see pag e 9 6 ) lets yo u retrieve the edited data.
Plus, if yo u turn the po wer o ff befo re sto ring an edited vo ice,
when yo u turn the po wer back o n the edited parameter
setting s will still be retained in the vo ice edit buffer.
There are vario us o ther mo des, but these are simply sub-mo des o f
Vo ice Play/ Edit mo de (such as Step Sequencer mo de fo r creating
and editing Vo ice and User Patterns; see pag e 3 7 ), since virtually
all panel setting s— including Scene, Layer, Effects, Arpeg g iato r,
Step Sequencer setting s, and mo re— are sto red as vo ice data fo r
each vo ice (excluding system-related setting s).