8 . Set the velocity sensitivity of the V CA.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCA], then
press CO N TRO L kno b 8 to display the Vel Sens
(Velo city Sensitivity) parameter in the LCD. Turn the
kno b to set a value near “ +1 5 ” to increase the
9 . Adjust the cutoff frequency a nd set the
velocity sensitivity of the V CF.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCF], then
press CO N TRO L kno b 5 o nce to display the VCF
Cuto ff parameter in the LCD. Turn the kno b to set a
value near “ 7 5 ” to so ften the so und.
Press CO N TRO L kno b 8 o nce to display the Vel Sens
(Velo city Sensitivity) parameter in the LCD. Turn the
kno b to set a value near “ +1 5 ” , to increase the
sensitivity applied to the VCF with playing streng th.
N ext, use CO N TRO L kno b 5 to further adjust the VCF
Cuto ff. Use kno b 7 to set the FEG Depth to yo ur liking ,
and use kno b 8 to further define the Vel Sens
acco rding to yo ur playing style.
The Velocity Sensitivity setting affects the rate of change of the FEG Depth. The
FEG Depth setting determines the range of the change.
1 0 . Apply vibra to to the voice.
Press KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch [VCO 1 ] and
press CO N TRO L kno b 8 to display the Pmo d Depth
(Pitch Mo dulatio n Depth) parameter in the LCD. Turn
the kno b to set a value o f abo ut “ +2 0 ” . This applies
the vibrato effect to the vo ice when yo u play.
N ext, let’s set up the vibrato to be applied by the
[MO DULATIO N ] wheel, in o rder to co ntro l the amo unt
o f vibrato as yo u play. Chang e the Pmo d Depth setting
back to “ 0 ” .
W e’ ll use o ne o f the 1 6 sets in the Co ntro l Matrix to
assig n the VCO 1 Pitch Mo dulatio n Depth parameter to
the [MO DULATIO N ] wheel.
Set the [EDIT RO TARY] switch to the VO ICE SCEN E
SETUP menu.
• Press Set N o [UP/ DO W N ] to display “ Set 1 ” in the
• Press Param [UP/ DO W N ] to display “ VCO 1
Pmo dDp” in the LCD.
• Press So urce [UP/ DO W N ] to display “ A.MW ” in the
You can also assign a Control Change number to the Source, by which to control
the Parameter. In this case the Control Change number must match the setting in
the UTILITY SETUP menu’s Control Device and Control Number.
Yo u can co ntro l the vibrato o f the VCO 1 by mo ving the
[MO DULATIO N ] wheel. To further define the rang e o f
vibrato co ntro l, press Depth [UP/ DO W N ] to set a
value o f “ Dp+2 0 ” .
W e’ ll use ano ther Co ntro l Matrix set to assig n the
VCO 2 Pitch Mo dulatio n Depth parameter also to the
[MO DULATIO N ] wheel.
• Press Set N o [UP/ DO W N ] to display “ Set 2 ” in the
LCD. “ Param O ff” will also be indicated.
• Press Param [UP/ DO W N ] to display “ VCO 2
Pmo dDp” in the LCD.
• Press So urce [UP/ DO W N ] to display “ A.MW ” in the
Yo u can co ntro l the vibrato o f the VCO 2 by mo ving the
[MO DULATIO N ] wheel. To further define the rang e o f
vibrato co ntro l, press Depth [UP/ DO W N ] to set a
value o f “ Dp+2 0 ” .
Try setting different Control Matrix Depth values to the VCO1 and VCO2 to hear
the effect produced.
There a re m a ny other pa ra m eters y ou m a y
w a nt to a djust to get just the right sound y ou
w a nt. W hen y ou’ re finished w ith the editing
process, perform a Voice Store opera tion to
store y our crea tion. For inform a tion, see pa ge
9 8 .