K021 Instructions v1.0
Page 51
Remove from their package the shock shafts,
collars, and o-rings. Slip the o-rings inside the
black collar. This o-ring helps prevent the
collar from moving due to vibration, keeping
your ride height even through a run. Screw the
collar onto the shock body, knurling side up.
S10) Carefully open the pouch of E-clips and pick out
four of them. Pop an E-clip on one shaft in the
lower groove, closest to the threaded end. Slip
one of the pistons removed from the tree onto
the shaft until it touches the E-clip. (Remember
these are the front shocks… double-check that
Set-Up sheet if you need to. It’s OK, no one’s
watching!) Then snap on a second E-clip just
above the piston, securing it to the shaft. If the
gorilla accidentally launches an E-clip across the room, don’t worry: the
two shock packs contain a total of 24 E-clips and you only need 8!
S11) Repeat for the other shaft.