K021 Instructions v1.0
Bag C
Page 22
Place the thrust balls one at a time in the lube on the washer. The lube will hold
them there. All six balls will fit nicely on the washer. When all six balls are on,
place the second thrust washer over the screw and slide it down over the balls.
No extra lube should be required. The lube should hold the second washer there
too. You want lots of lube in the thrust bearing, but you don’t want it smeared all
over the inside of the outdrive in C10 below. Carefully remove excess lube that
protrudes beyond the washers. Stand the bolt on its head as in these photos and
set it aside for a moment.
Place the second diff bearing into the recess in the center of the female outdrive
C10) Put the thrust bolt, with ball-and-washer assembly, onto a 5/64” wrench, and
insert the bolt into the female outdrive as shown. Leave the wrench engaged in
the bolt, and put the outdrive aside with its male friend. Make sure the thrust bolt
and wrench do not fall out of the outdrive.