24. Parameter description
The cylinder hysteresis regulates the start point for cylinder heating. The higher
the setting, the lower the start point for cylinder heating.
Example: Set cylinder temperature 60 °C
Cylinder hysteresis 5 K
Cylinder heating commences at 55 °C and ends at 60 °C.
Parameter HG15
Cylinder hysteresis
Factory setting: See table
Setting range: 1 to 30 K
Individual setting:
In heating mode, the internal appliance pump does not regulate above this set
value. Regardless of pump control type set in HG37. If the pump control type is
"Constant", HG17 is used as the setting for the pump speed in heating mode.
Parameter HG17
HC pump rate, maximum
Factory setting: See table
Setting range: 15 to 100 %
Individual setting:
In heating mode, the internal appliance pump does not regulate below this set
value. Regardless of pump control type set in HG37.
Parameter HG16
HC pump rate, minimum
Factory setting: See table
Setting range: 15 to 100 %
Individual setting:
After completing cylinder heating in summer mode (the cylinder has reached
the set temperature), the cylinder primary pump will run on up to the maximum
set run-on time.
The cylinder primary pump will switch off prematurely if, during the run-on time,
the boiler water temperature cools down to a differential between boiler and
set cylinder temperature of 5 K.
In winter mode, the cylinder primary pump runs on for a fixed time of 30 seconds
after successful cylinder heating (regardless of parameter HG19).
Parameter HG19
Run-on time, CPP
(cylinder primary pump)
Factory setting: See table
Setting range: 1 to 10 min
Individual setting: