• Scanning, where the instrument scans mass-to-charge
) ratios to produce a mass
• Selected ion recording (SIR), where the instrument records the signal intensity at a static
For more information, see the
ACQUITY QDa Detector Overview and Maintenance Guide
on your
documentation media, or at
3.6.11 2432 conductivity control panel
The 2432 conductivity detector's control panel displays the conductivity, peak polarity, and the
cell temperature.
Figure 3–10: 2432 conductivity detector control panel
Autozero button
– Eliminates the eluent's contribution to conductivity.
Cell temperature set point
– Displays the set point for the flow cell temperature.
Current cell temperature
– Displays the current flow cell temperature.
Peak polarity
– Displays the polarity of the output signal. If the polarity is negative, the
chromatogram is inverted.
Relative conductivity
– The autozeroed conductivity.
Absolute conductivity
– The conductivity reading including the eluent's contribution.
3.7 Starting up the system
Use the Start up system function to prime the solvent manager after the system has been idle a
long period of time (overnight, for example). Before you begin this procedure, ensure that the
system is correctly configured for use.
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