MS-compatible flow rates, and matched outlet tubing minimizes the effect of extra-column
Although the system works with any analytical column, specially designed ACQUITY UPLC
columns maximize its high-pressure capabilities. Compared with traditional HPLC columns,
ACQUITY UPLC columns deliver superior resolution and sensitivity in the same run time or
equivalent resolution, greater sensitivity, and faster run times. eCord technology
ACQUITY UPLC columns include an eCord column chip that tracks the usage history of the
column. The eCord column chip interacts with the system software, recording information for as
many as 50 sample queues run on the column. In regulated environments, the eCord column chip
provides documentation of the column used in the validation method. The eCord column chip
provides documentation of the column used for each chromatographic run and records the
following information:
• The name of the sample set (or sample list) run on the column.
• Number of injections onto the column.
• Number of samples injected onto the column.
• The highest pressure that the column has experienced (and the date).
• The highest temperature the column has experienced (and the date).
In addition to the variable column usage data, the eCord column chip also stores fixed column
manufacturing data, including:
• unique column identification.
• certificate of analysis.
• QC test data.
When you attach the column's eCord fob to the receptacle on the column compartment, the chip
automatically records and stores system information. You need take no further action.
1.4 For additional information
On the system documentation media, you can find this additional information:
ACQUITY UPLC Quaternary Solvent Manager PLUS Series Overview and Maintenance
ACQUITY UPLC Sample Manager - Flow Through Needle PLUS Series Overview and
Maintenance Guide
ACQUITY UPLC Column Heater-Active Overview and Maintenance Guide
ACQUITY UPLC Column Manager - Active and Column Manager - Auxiliary Overview and
Maintenance Guide
April 4, 2018, 715005702 Rev. A
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