Table 3–7: Additional functions in the ISM control panel (continued)
Control panel
Wash plungers
Initiates the plunger-wash sequence, which fills and then slowly empties the
primary and accumulator chambers (with the current solvent composition)
while performing a high speed/volume seal wash. This action helps prevent
precipitate buildup on the pump plungers. Such a buildup can damage the
high pressure seals.
Launch console
Launches the console.
Reset ISM
Resets the ISM after an error condition.
Displays the online Help for the console software.
3.6.5 ELS control panel
The evaporative light scattering (ELS) detector’s control panel displays light scattering units,
photomultiplier tube gain factor, gas pressure, nebulizer temperature, and drift tube temperature.
If Empower software controls the system, the detector’s control panel appears at the bottom of
the Run Samples window. If MassLynx software controls the system, the detector’s control panel
appears at the bottom of the Inlet Editor window.
You can edit detector parameters when the system is idle by clicking the underlined value. You
cannot edit these values while the system is running samples.
Figure 3–5: ELS detector control panel
Lamp LED
– Mirrors the lamp status LED on the front panel of the detector, unless
communications with the detector are lost.
Current drift tube temperatures
– Displays both the set point temperature and current drift
tube temperatures.
Current nebulizer temperatures
– Displays the current nebulizer temperature.
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