74 Function Description
750-8212/040-010 PFC200 G2 2ETH M12 RS XTR
Version 1.0.0, valid from FW version 03.01.07(13)
Cloud Connectivity Functionality
With the cloud connectivity functionality and an IEC library, the controller is
available as a gateway for Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. This means the
controller can collect the data from all the connected devices, access the Internet
via the built-in Ethernet interface or the mobile communications module and send
the data to the cloud.
You can specify the cloud service to use: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services
and IBM Cloud are available.
Figure 20: Connecting the Controller to a Cloud Service (Example)
Data is transmitted from the controller to the cloud service as JSON files. The
connection can be encrypted with TLS; see the section “Functional Description” >
… > “TLS Encryption.”
You can find the settings that must be configured in the controller in order to use
the cloud connectivity functionality in the section “Start-Up” > … > “Configuration
Using Web-Based Management.
The communication parameters are configured in the WBM; the data to
exchange between the cloud and controller is configured with the libraries for
or CODESYS 2.3.