Chapter 3 - 7700 Flash Storage Platform Device Configuration
7700 Flash Storage Platform Installation Guide 7.6.3.x
530-0267-00 Rev 02
In the case of a 7700 FSP stretched cluster environment, each 7700 FSP Controller ends up with
one primary CR and one remote (mirror) CR. For more details, see
Configuring a Stretched Cluster
For the data LUNs, create two groups of four non-ALUA LUNs, one for each 7700 FSP Controller
in the HA pair. For details on creating LUNs, see the topic on adding LUNs in the latest version
Symphony Help.
Keep the maximum number of paths for each LUN from the 7700 FSP Controller
perspective to no more than eight. This guideline is based on maintaining the required cabling and
zoning, and to support the way that the LUNs are exported.
Creating and Managing SAN Clients
Symphony Help provides information and procedures on how to create and manage SAN clients
that you physically attach to one of the 7700 FSP shelves in a local network. For details, see the
topic on SAN clients in the latest version Symphony Help. SAN clients are devices that you attach
to a 7700 FSP shelves, and you must create logical resources to be used by these clients.
Symphony lets you add, edit, delete, assign, and unassign SAN clients. For details, see the
following procedures in the latest version Symphony Help that describe how to:
Create a SAN client
Edit and delete a SAN client
Assign and unassign a SAN client
Configuring the 7700 FSP Controller
To configure the 7700 FSP Controller, you review and complete the following tasks:
Default IP Addresses for the 7700 FSP Controller
Configuring 7700 FSP Controllers at Initial Power On
Configuring 7700 FSP Controller Management Access
Default IP Addresses for the 7700 FSP Controller
The 7700 FSP Controller ships with the following factory default addresses supporting the IPMI/
iDRAC system interface:
IPMI IP address: (iDRAC on 7700 FSP Controller)
Management IP address: (port 3 on 7700 FSP Controller rear panel)