When depressed, the System Cold Reset button
restarts and re-initializes the appliance. Veritas
recommends that you do not use this button.
System Cold Reset Button
(recessed, tool required)
The NIC LEDs represent a network interface
controller. When network links are detected on the
controllers, the LEDs are activated and remain on.
The LEDs blink when network activity occurs. The
amount of network activity determines the rate of
NIC-4 Activity LED
NIC-3 Activity LED
NIC-1 Activity LED
NIC-2 Activity LED
When the NMI button is depressed, the appliance
goes into a halt state, and issues a non-maskable
interrupt (NMI). This feature is useful when you
perform diagnostics for a given issue where a
memory dump is necessary to help determine the
cause of the problem. To prevent an inadvertent
system halt, the NMI button is located behind the
front control panel faceplate. It is only accessible
with the use of a small-tipped tool.
NMI button (recessed, a
tool is required for use)
The System Status LED is bi-color indicator that
uses the colors green and amber to display the
current health of the compute node.
Two locations are provided for you to monitor the
health of the system. You can find the first location
on the front control panel. The second location is
located on the back edge of the server board. It is
viewable from the rear of the appliance. Both LEDs
show the same state of health.
System Status LED
Access 3340 compute node rear panel
The rear panel of the compute node contains several components and default ports.
Access 3340 compute node rear panel