Best practices recommend that you use this port and the
host1 port to access the Flex Appliance Console to perform
the initial configuration. Labeled ETH1 on the node.
host0 (mgmt0 bond) -
copper/RJ45 connector
You must use this port
the privnic0 port to connect the
nodes to each other. Labeled ETH2 on the node.
privnic1 (eth2/NIC3) -
copper/RJ45 connector
You must use this port
the privnic1 port to connect the
nodes to each other. Labeled ETH3 on the node.
privnic0 (eth3/NIC4) -
copper/RJ45 connector
A 1-GbE port that is used to connect to the Veritas Remote
Management Interface.
IPMI port - copper/RJ45
Connect these ports on each node before initial
configuration to support application instances.
NIC ports 0 to 9
- 10-GbE ports
Refer to the
Veritas Flex Appliance Getting Started and Administration Guide
NetBackup 53xx Initial Configuration Guide
for details about the initial
configuration requirements and procedures.
Connecting the power cords
Connect all of the storage shelves and the compute node to the Power Distribution
Unit in the rack. Typically a rack has one PDU on each side at the rear of the
hardware. Two PDU strips provide redundant power.
Hardware installation procedures
Connecting the power cords