Seats, Interior
Picture no: 12438s.tif
To fold one or b oth of the rear seat
back rests, press the button at the top to
release the backrest (
40, Fig . 18099 S)
and fold it forward.
Rep ositioning the rear seats
Pull the seat belt slightly forward so that it
does not get damaged and aud ib ly
engage the b ackrests.
Reposition the seat cushions.
Insert outer rear head restraints
Folding d own the front pa ssenger sea t
Push the passenger sea t head restraint
down or remove it
Slid e the front passenger seat back .
Fold front p assenger seat forward b y
raising release lever.
Restoring the front passenger seat to an
upright position
Press the release lever forw ard, fold up the
front passeng er seat a nd audibly eng age.
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