Service and maintenance
Brake fluid
Cha ng ing bra ke fluid
Brake fluid is hygroscopic, i.e. it absorbs
water. If the brakes b ecome hot, suc h as
when d riv ing on long downhill stretches,
vap our bubb les can form in the water,
which can have an extrem ely adverse
effect on braking power (depending on the
proportion of w ater).
Therefore, keep to the specified change
Windscreen wiper replacement
Wiper blad es on the wind sc reen
Lift wiper arm. Move relea se lev er and
detach w ip er blad e.
Wiper blades
on the rear wind ow
Lift wiper arm. Disengage wiper blade as
show n in Fig. 9392 T and rem ov e.
Brake fluid is poisonous and corrosive.
Do not allow it to come into contact with
eyes, skin, fab rics or pa inted surfaces.
Hav e the b ra ke fluid change performed
by a workshop . Please comply with the
leg al environmental and health
reg ulations – concerning the disposal of
brake fluid.
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