Driving and operation
Save energy – m ore m iles
Please observe the running-in hints on the
previous pag e and the tips for sav ing
energy on the following pa ges.
Good, technica lly correct and economical
driving ensures ma ximum durability and
performance for your vehic le.
Overrun cut-off
The fuel supply is autom atically cut off
during overrun, e.g. when the vehicle is
driven w ith a gear engaged but no throttle
application. Overrun cut-off is deactivated
if catalytic conv erter temperature is high.
Vehicles with turbocharged engine
Flow -g enerated noises may be aud ible if
the a ccelerator is released quickly on
account of air flow in the turbocharger.
Eng ine sp eed
Drive in a low engine speed range for each
gear as much as possible.
Wa rming up
Allow the engine to warm up while driving.
Do not warm it up by letting it run at idling
speed. Do not apply full throttle until the
engine has reached op erating
In autom atic mode, Easytronic
does not
shift to the higher gears after a cold start
until higher engine speeds are reached.
This allows the ca ta lytic converter to
quic kly reach the temperature that is
required for optim um pollutant reduction.
Correct g ear selection
Do not race your engine whilst in neutral or
with a low gea r selected. Driving too fast in
indiv idua l gea rs as well as stop-a nd -g o
tra ffic increases engine wear a nd fuel
Change dow n
When decreasing speed, shift down into
the next lowest gear. Do not slip the clutch
with a high-revving engine. This is
especially important when hill climb ing.
Cooling fan
The cooling fan is controlled v ia a
therm oswitch and therefore only runs if
nec essary.
The cooling fan a utomatica lly switches on
when the diesel particle filter is being
depending on the engine.
Do not place any ob jects in the footwell
which could slip under the ped als and
inhibit the pedal trav el.
To ensure the pedal travel is uninhibited,
there must be no mats in the area of the
Battery ca re
When driving slowly or when the v ehicle is
stationary, e.g. in slow urban traffic, stop-
and-go traffic or traffic jams, turn off all
unnecessary electrical load s w here
possible (e.g. heated rear window, heated
front seats, etc.).
Depress the clutch pedal when starting in
order to relieve the stra in on the starter and
the battery.
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