Driving and operation
Driving hints
The first 600 miles (1000 km)
Drive your vehicle at v arious speeds. Do
not use full throttle. Never allow the eng ine
to labour at low revs.
Change gear frequently. Do not press the
accelerator pedal more than approx.
all gears.
Do not drive faster than three quarters of
maximum speed.
Do not brake unnecessarily hard for the
first 125 miles (200 km ).
During the first drive, sm ok e m ay d evelop
because of wax and oil evaporating off the
exhaust system. Park the vehicle in the
open for a while after the first drive and
avoid inhaling the fum es.
Fuel and engine oil consum ption is higher
than norm al during the running-in period.
Never coa st with engine not running
Many units will not function in this situation
(e.g. brak e serv o unit, power steering
Driving in this manner is a da nger to
yourself and others.
Brake servo unit
When the engine is not running, the brake
servo unit is no longer effective once the
brake peda l has been depressed once or
twice. Braking effect is not reduced , but
significantly greater force is required for
Electric power steering
If the electric power steering fa ils when
being towed w ith the eng ine switched off –
the vehicle can still be steered, but
considera bly more forc e is req uired.
Dr iving in mountainous terrain or with a
The cooling fan is electrically operated. Its
cooling p ow er is therefore independent of
the engine speed.
Since a considerable amount of heat is
genera ted at high engine speeds and less
at slower speeds, do not shift d ow n when
climbing hills whilst the v ehicle is still coping
with the gradient in the higher g ear.
Diesel engines: On gradients of 10% or
more, do not drive fa ster tha n 20 mph
(30 km/h) in first gear or 30 mph (50 k m/h)
in second gea r.
Driving with a roof loa d
Do not exceed the perm issible roof load,
177. For reasons of safety, distribute the
load evenly and strap it down firmly using
reta ining straps so that it cannot slip.
Check the tyre pressure when the vehicle is
loaded. Do not travel faster than 75 mph
(120 k m/h). Check and re-tighten the stra ps
freq uently. Observe country-specific
regula tions.
Sw itching off the engine
When you switch off, fans in the eng ine
compa rtm ent may continue running for a
time to cool the engine.
If the engine temperature is very high, e.g.
after driving in mountainous terrain: allow
the engine to id le for approxim ately two
minutes in order to prevent heat
acc um ulation.
Vehicles with turbocharged engine
After running at high eng ine speeds or high
eng ine loads, op erate the engine briefly at
a low load or run in neutral for approx.
30 seconds before switching off in order
to protec t the turbocharger.
Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com