Driving and operation
Fuels, refuelling
Fuel c onsum ption
Fuel consump tion is determined und er
specific d riv ing cond itions
Special equipment increases the weight of
the v ehicle. As a result, they can increase
fuel consump tion and reduce the specified
maximum speed.
There is increased friction betw een engine
and transmission parts during the first
600 miles (1000 k m). This increases fuel
consump tion.
Fuel for petrol engines
Only use unleaded fuel that complies with
DIN EN 228.
Fuels with ethanol content greater than 5%
may only be used if the v ehicle has been
specifically develop ed a nd approved for
these fuels.
Use fuel with the recomm ended octane
ra ting (v alue in bold
173). Use of fuel
with too low an octane rating ca n reduce
engine p ow er and torque and slightly
increases fuel consum ption.
Fuel for diesel engines
Diesel engines m ust be operated only on
comm ercially av ailable diesel fuel meeting
the specifications of DIN EN 590.
Since Ja nuary 2004, some oil comp anies
have mixed their diesel fuel with up to 5%
Bio fuel (FAME = Fatty Acid Methyl Esters)
like RME (Rape-Oil Methyl Ester). This is in
acc orda nce with the current DIN EN 590
and d oes not ha rm the fuel/injection
system. The characteristics of a diesel fuel
mixed up with 5% Bio fuel (FAME) do not
differ from conventional diesel fuel and do
not influence the vehicle’s driveability.
Importa nt:
Diesel fuel m ixed with 5% FAM E
acc ording to DIN EN 590 m ust not be
confused with 100% Bio Diesel, which is not
to be used in Vauxhall eng ines.
The flow and filterability of diesel fuel a re
Diesel fuels w ith improved low temp erature
properties are therefore a vailable on the
ma rk et during the winter months. Make
sure that you fill the tank with winter fuel
before the start of the cold weather
Additives can be used with diesel fuels with
winter prop erties that are guaranteed by
the manufa cturer and when using diesel
fuel filters that are heated depending on
the outside temperature.
Diesel fuels must not be diluted with fuels
that are intended for petrol eng ines.
Ca ution
Use of fuel with too low an octane rating
could lead to uncontrolled com bustion
and engine damag e.
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