Seats, Interior
Lashing eyes
The four lashing eyes in the load
compartment that are shown in
Fig. 18101 S a re used to secure ob jects that
are being transported so that they do not
slid e around.
The b ra ckets on the floor between the
front seats are only used to secure the
safety net
43. They must not be used
as lashing eyes.
Load compartment cover
Do not p lace any heav y or sharp-edged
ob jects on the cover.
To close
Pull cov er towards rea r of vehicle using
ha ndle and hook into side retainers.
To op en
Unhooked the c losed cover at the rear. It
rolls up automatically.
Open cov er.
Press button at right side of cartridge and
eng age by pushing right-hand end piece
to the left. Pull right sid e of ca rtridge out of
reta iners, followed by left side.
With cover rolled up, push the left sid e of
the c artridg e into the reta iner, followed by
the rig ht side.
Push button at rig ht end piece of cartridge,
and c artridg e engages.
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