Keys, doors, windows
Opening and closing the load
com partm ent
when the Vauxhall alar m
system is enabled
1. To unlock:
Ta ilg ate: Turn key c lock wise all the way
past the horizontal position. The tailga te
is unlocked and monitoring of the
passenger compartm ent and vehicle tilt
are disabled.
Rear doors: Turn key a nticlockw ise all the
way past the v ertical position. The rear
doors are unlocked and m onitoring of
the passenger compa rtm ent and v ehicle
tilt are disa bled.
2. Open the tailgate or rear doors.
3. Close the tailgate or rear doors.
4. To lock: Turn key back to horizontal or
vertical position. M onitoring of the
interior and v ehicle tilt is enabled after
approx. 10 second s.
Modific ations to the passenger
compartment, such as fitting seat
covers, could hinder the function of
passeng er comp artm ent monitoring.
Switch off passenger com partment
monitoring of the interior of the parked
vehicle is being heated.
Ala rm
When triggered, the alarm gives off an
acoustic sig nal (horn) and a visual signal
(hazard w arning flashers). The number
and d uration of the alarms are stipulated
by legislation.
The alarm can b e silenced by pressing a
button on the remote control or by
switching on the ignition. The Vauxhall
alarm system is deactivated at the sam e
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