Main beam, headlight flash
Push stalk forward to switch from dipp ed
beam to m ain beam .
To switch to dipped beam, push stalk down
To opera te the headlight flash, pull sta lk
towards steering w heel. The ma in b eam is
switched on for as long as the stalk is held
in this p osition.
Turn signal lights
If the stalk is moved pa st the resistance
point, the turn signal lig ht remains on.
When the steering wheel moves ba ck
tow ard the straight-ahead position, the
turn signal light is autom atically
deactiv ated.
Touch turn sig nal operation: press stalk
until resistance ca n be felt and release
The turn signal lights are switched off
manually by moving the stalk back to the
middle position.
Reversing lights
The reversing lights come on when the
ignition is on and reverse gear is eng aged.
Stalk upwa rd s
Right turn signal
Stalk d ownwa rd s
Left turn signal
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