Driving and operation
Selector lever in A/M
Switch b etween Automatic and M anual
In ma nual m ode, a gear can be selected
manually b y tapp ing the selector lever to
position. The transm ission display
indicates the current gea r.
If the engine speed is too low Easytronic will
automatically shift to a lower gear even in
Manual mode. This prev ents the engine
from stalling.
Selec tor lever in + or -
If a higher g ear is selected when the
running speed is too low, or a lower gear
when the speed is too high, no shift is
carried out. This prev ents the eng ine from
running at too low or too high rev s.
Gears can be skipped by jog ging the
selector lev er repeatedly at short intervals.
When the vehicle is in automatic m od e,
Easytronic switches to manual mode when
the selector lever is tapped to p osition
. The transm ission display indicates the
current gear.
Selec tor lever in R
Reverse gear. Eng age only when vehicle is
Press knob on selector lev er, select
, "R"
appea rs in gear display.
is selected when the vehic le is in motion,
"R" flashes in the transm ission display and
no g ear is eng aged.
Stopping the vehicle
In automatic or m anua l mode, first gear is
automatically engaged (second gea r if the
Winter programm e is eng aged) and the
clutch is released when the vehicle is
stationary. In
, rev erse gear remains
eng aged.
If a warning signal sounds when the
driver’s door is opened (foot bra ke not
depressed), m ove the selector lever to
and a pply the handbrake.
When stopping on gradients, engage the
handbrake or depress the brake peda l. To
prevent overheating of the clutch, do not
increa se engine speed to ensure smooth
idling when in gear.
Switc h off engine if stopping for a leng thy
period , e.g. in traffic jams or at level
Electronically controlled driving
pr og ramm es in a utomatic mode
Following a c old start, the opera ting
temperature program me keeps engine
speed high to quickly a nd a utoma tica lly
bring the cata lytic converter to the
required temperature.
Adaptive programmes autom atically
chang e to other gears to suit the driving
cond itions, suc h as if the vehic le is
tow ing a carav an/trailer, ha s a hig h
payload, or is being driv en on inclines.
Shift to a hig her gear.
Shift to a lower gear.
Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com