Driving and operation
Tyre cond ition, w heel condition
Drive over edges slowly and at right angles
if possible. Driving over sha rp edg es can
cause tyre and wheel damage. Do not trap
tyres on the kerb when pa rk ing.
Regula rly check the wheels for damag e.
Seek the assistance of a workshop in the
event of dam age or unusua l wear.
Tr ead depth
Check tread depth regularly.
For reasons of safety, tyres should be
replaced when their tread depth has worn
down to 2 to 3 mm (winter tyres: 4 mm ).
The leg ally permissible minimum trea d
depth (1.6 mm) has been reached when
the tread has worn down as far as one of
the wear indicators (TWI
). A number of
wear indicators are sp aced at eq ual
intervals around the tyre within the trea d.
Their position is indicated by m arkings on
the tyre sid ewall.
If w ear in the front is greater than that in
the rear, switch the front wheels with the
rear ones.
Correct tyre pressure.
n dicato r.
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