Driving and operation
The control indica tor
goes off a s soon as
the self-cleaning operation is complete.
Have all maintena nce work c arried out at
the specified intervals. We recomm end
that you entrust this work to your Vauxhall
Authorised Repairer, who ha s p roper
equipment and trained personnel
available. Electronic testing systems permit
ra pid diagnosis and remedy of faults. This
way you can be certain that all
components of the vehic le’s electrical,
injection and ignition system s operate
correctly, that your vehicle has a low level
of polluta nt em ission and tha t the catalytic
conv erter system will have a long serv ice
You are thereby mak ing an important
contribution towa rd s keep ing the air clean
and compliance with em issions legislation.
Check ing and adjustm ent of the fuel-
injection and ignition system s is p art of the
scope of inspection. For this rea son you
should have all maintenance work c arried
out at the interv als specified in your Service
and Warranty Booklet.
Hydraulic brake system
The foot brak e comprises two independent
brak e circuits.
If a brak e circuit fails, the vehicle can still be
brak ed using the other brake circuit.
However, the b ra ke p edal must be
depressed a considerable way b efore any
brak ing effect occ urs, and much more
force is required. The braking distance is
longer. Contact a w ork shop for assistance
before continuing to d riv e.
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