VAMP 257
Feeder and motor manager
Technical description
VAMP 24h support phone : +358 (0)20 753 3264
Disturbance recorder
The disturbance recorder can be used to record all the
measured signals, that is, currents, voltages and the status
information of digital inputs (DI, DI_2) and digital outputs
(DO). The digital inputs include also the arc light information
(S1, S2 and Arc binary input BI). The digital outputs include
the Arc binary output information (BO).
At the maximum, there can be 12 recordings, and the
maximum selection of channels in one recording is also 12
(limited in waveform recording). The digital inputs reserve two
channels (includes all the inputs, DI for digital inputs 1-20 and
DI_2 for digital inputs 21-32). The digital outputs reserve one
channel (includes all the outputs). If all digital inputs and
outputs are recorded, there will be still 9 channels left for
analogue waveforms.
The recorder can be triggered by any protection-stage start or
trip signal, Arc sensors (S1, S2, BI) or by a digital input. The
trig signal is selected in the output matrix (signal DR). The
recording can also be triggered manually.
When a recording is made, also the time stamp will be
The recordings can be uploaded, viewed and analysed with the
VAMPSET program (version 8.x or newer). The recording is in
COMTRADE format. This means that also other programs can
be used to view and analyse the recordings made by the
For more detailed information about, for example, uploading,
please see a separate VAMPSET manual.
Available links
The following channels can be linked to a disturbance recorder:
DO, DI, DI_2
Uline, Uphase
U2/U1, U2, U1
I2/In, I2/I1, I2, I1, IoCalc
PF, S, Q, P
UL3, UL2, UL1
U31, U23, U12
Io2, Io