Top Vent Outlet Positioning
Manufactured by Miles Industries Ltd., British Columbia, Canada
If installing with rear vent outlet go to next step.
1. Remove the top plate and seal by unscrewing 12 screws.
(See figure 38).
Keep the seal, plate and screws for fitting to the back.
Remove the rear outer vent collar and seal by unscrewing 12
screws (See figure 38).
3. Remove the rear inner vent collar and seal by unscrewing 8
screws. (See figure 38).
4. To make sure that the collars are axially aligned, fit the
Dura-vent adapter #817VAK over the outer vent collar. See
figure 39.
5. Position the inner collar and seal vertically inside the top of
the appliance. Drop the outer collar with adapter over the
inner collar to ensure alignment. Secure the inner collar with
8 screws and the outer collar with 12 screws. See figure 39.
6. Fit the plate and seal (which was previously removed from
the top) to the back of the appliance with 12 screws. See
figure 39.
Figure 38
Figure 39