UTT Technologies
Chapter 7 Advanced
Page 86
Method One:
Bind each illegal user’s IP address to a MAC address which
is different from any local computer’s, and add these IP/MAC address pairs
into the
IP/MAC Binding List
Method Two:
Add these users’ IP and MAC address pairs into the
Binding List
, and clear each IP/MAC binding’s
check box
respectively. Thus the matched users cannot access the Gigabit Router
and Internet.
Step 3
Select the
Allow Undefined LAN PCs
check box to allow all the undefined
users to access the Gigabit Router and Internet.
For example, if you want to block a local computer with IP address from
accessing the Gigabit Router and Internet, you can add an IP/MAC binding into the
IP/MAC Binding List
: the
IP Address
is, and the
MAC Address
is different
from any local computer’s MAC address (112233445566 here), see Figure 6-16.
Figure 6-16 IP/MAC Binding List - Example 2
Another example is that if you want to block a local computer with IP address
and MAC address 0021859b2564 from accessing the Gigabit Router and Internet, you
can add its IP/MAC address pair into the
IP/MAC Binding List
, next clear the binding’s
check box, see Figure 6-17.
Figure 6-17 IP/MAC Binding List - Example 3