1. The GreenWave Ultra system will produce iron, sulfur, manganese removal with scale free
water immediately after installation. Depending on the raw water quality there may be con-
taminants built up in the water heater, plumbing system and other devices. Over the first
few weeks as water is used there could be traces of this build up that are being removed by
the newly installed system. This typically clears up after a couple weeks.
2. Depending on the contaminants being removed there may be iron bacteria or sulfur reduc-
ing bacteria in the plumbing system prior to the GreenWave Ultra install. This bacteria can
potentially survive after the GreenWave Ultra installation. This is usually indicated by a sul-
fur smell that will appear after a few weeks of initial usage. If this is the case, the well and
entire plumbing system will need to be chlorinated to remove any existing bacteria. If the
bacteria is not removed, it will begin to “grow” backwards toward the treatment system and
the sulfur smell will not go away. If this does occur, it is easily eradicated with a chlorination
well “shock” procedure. Ask a US Water Systems representative about our well sanitizing
kits. WARNING! If a well is being chlorinated, the Carbon Superfilter and GreenWave tank
should be in the bypass position.
There may be “bubbles” in the water for a few weeks after installation. A few bubbles are
fine, but if there is “fizz” that remains for several seconds, it is an indication that the system
is being overfed with H2O2. This occurs because after installation the water system will be-
come cleaner after the plumbing system has been flushed and the initial dosage of H2O2
may need to be adjusted to compensate for the lower contaminant level.
Sediment Filters
Clean or replace the sediment filter every 6-12 months.
Injection Panel
The internal pump tube and injection duck bill check valve may need to be replaced periodically. They typically
last 1-5 years depending on the usage. There is a spare tube shipped with the system and instructional videos
explaining how to change the tube at www.USWaterSystems.com. Replacement duck bill check valves can be
purchased at www.USWaterSystems.com as well. Periodically drain the strainer to flush out solids.
Catalytic Carbon Superfilter
The Catalytic Carbon Superfilter is virtually maintenance free. However, if there is a power outage the clock and
other settings need to be checked to ensure the filter will backwash properly at the proper time of day. It is crucial
that the Catalytic Carbon Superfilter backwashes at a time when there is no water being used in the house or con-
tamination of the plumbing system can occur. This media typically lasts 3-5 years in most applications before it is
GreenWave Tank
The media in the GreenWave tank will need to be changed every 3-5 years. The performance can be tested using
the “boil test” method on page 41 of this manual.
US Water UV Light
The UV light sleeve and bulb combo should be changed every 9000 hours or annually.
What to Expect
Routine Maintenance
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
385-GWU-1000, 385-GWU-1500, 385-GWU-2000