Page 27
Version 3.3 / November 2016
Setting the grinding parameters for the first time
Turn the regulatory screw clockwise and bring the blades as close as possible (turn all the way).
Then turning the screw counter clockwise loosen the upper disk by 540-630 degrees (one and a half turn
or one and a half + quarter turn).
For more detailed settings of coffee grinder you can carry out the following actions I the given sequence:
change the position of the regulatory screw (to change the position of the upper disk of the coffee grinder
to a certain angle) and then make a drink and taste it.
AWAY. ONlY AFTER 3 CYClES YOU CAN FEEl THE DIFFERENCE (after changing the grinding pa-
rameters, discard two drinks and taste the third one to feel the difference).
It is highly recommended to change grinding parameters discreetly, turning the coffee grinder’s disk by
10-20 degrees each time.
If the level of grinding is too high (very small particles) the water either cannot pass through the ground
coffee tablet or passes partially, i.e. the volume of ready drink will be very less. In this case either the coffee
output jet will be broken into drops or its thickness will be less than 1.5mm. In this case the time of working
of the coffee grinder will be 8-10 seconds from start till stop.
If the level of grinding will be too low (very small particles), the coffee grinder will not be able to ground
sufficient amount of coffee, which would lead to “Grinder” error and will block the dispensing of coffee.
In such case you should increase the level of grinding. For the purpose you must loosen the upper disk
by turning it counter clockwise.
If the particle size is large the coffee will be less concentrated (less saturated). The time of working of
coffee grinder will be around 3-4 seconds. The thickness of output jet will be 3-4mm. in this case you can
also cause the leaking of the coffee group, because very large particles of coffee damage the gasket of the
piston. In such cases you should decrease the particle size – turn the upper disk clockwise.
The optimum time of grinder functioning is: 5-6 seconds if coffee dosage is set to position 3 and 6-7
seconds if the coffee dosage is set to position 4 (see the next section).
Рисунок 57
Figure 57
The ground coffee is fed into the dosing apparatus, which ac-
cumulates ground coffee up to a certain level. When the level is
reached the electromagnetic valve opens and the accumulated
dose of coffee is sent to the espresso group.
The dosing apparatus helps you set the required amount of cof-
fee for the espresso group according to the desired drink.
The volume of coffee is regulated with the help of the dosing
apparatus’s cam (see figure 56 position 2 and figure 57). The posi
tions can be from
1 to 6 (MAXIMUM)
. At the same time it is prohib-
ited to set the cam to positions 5 or 6 without increasing the volume
of the boiling chamber (see further)!
It is STRICTlY PROHIBITED to set the cam to positions 7 or higher!!!
The recommended settings for the cam are positions 3 or 4. This means a dose of 6.5-7.5 grams per
portion (per drink).
The weight of the ground coffee inside the dosing apparatus depends on the quality of grinding and type
of coffee.
After each re-setting of dosing apparatus, please weigh the amount of ground coffee according to the
current manual.
Depending on the weight of the coffee, you might need to regulate (adjust) the volume of espresso
group’s chamber.