UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
Programming Manual
UPO3000E&UPO2000E Series
Programmable Digital Oscilloscope
Page 1: ...UNI T UPO 3000E UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual UNI T Programming Manual UPO3000E UPO2000E Series Programmable Digital Oscilloscope ...
Page 2: ...rsedes all previous publications Information provided in this manual is subject to change without prior notice UNI T shall not be liable for any errors that may be contained in this manual For any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or the information and deductive functions provided in this manual Without the written permission of UNI T this manual cannot photocopied reprod...
Page 3: ...ies of one or more keywords many of which take parameters In the specification keywords are written CONFigure The entire keyword can be used or it can be abbreviated to just the uppercase portion Responses to Query commands are typically ASCII strings However for bulk data binary formats can be used This section introduces the format symbols parameters and abbreviations of the SCPI command Instruc...
Page 4: ...ommand Square Brackets the contents in square brackets command keywords can omissible If the parameter is ignoret the instrument will set the parameter as the default value Such as MEASure NDUTy source command it presents current channel Triangular Brackets The parameter in the brackets must be replaced with a valid value Such as use DISPlay GRID BRIGhtness 30 form to send DISPlay GRID BRIGhtness ...
Page 5: ...herwise it may occur error Real Parameter can take any valid integer value unless there have some other descriptions Such as for command CH1 CHANnell OFFSet offset parameter of offset can take integer value Discrete Parameter can only take some specified numbers or characters Such as command DISPlay GRID MODE FULL GRID CROSS NONE parameter can only take FULL GRID CROSS NONE ASCII Character String ...
Page 6: ...the corresponding parameter type in which the real return type is presents by the scientific notation method The part before e retains three figure behind the decimal point and the e part retains three figure the batch return must be obey IEEE 488 2 string data format the length of character bits fixed to one character ASCII valid value valid data end string n Such as 3123xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx n pre...
Page 7: ...For example UNI T Technologies UPO2000CS UPO1000 00 00 01 RST Command format RST Functional description Restore factory settings and clear the entire error message send and receive queue buffers SYSTem Command This command is for oscilloscope basic operation including operating control lock full qwerty error queue and system data RUN Command format RUN Functional description Start to sampling exec...
Page 8: ...s lock For example SYSTem LOCK ON SYST LOCK 1 lock full qwerty SYSTem LOCK OFF SYST LOCK 0 unlock full qwerty SYSTem LOCK query return 1 it presents lock SYSTem ERRor Command format SYSTem ERRor SYSTem ERRor Functional description Empty error message queue Return format Query return the last error message like Undefined header For example SYSTem ERR empty error message queue SYSTem ERR query retur...
Page 9: ...m language as English SYSTem LANGuage query return ENGLish SYSTem RTC Command format SYSTem RTC year month day hour minute second SYSTem RTC Functional description Set system time Return format Query return year month date hour minute and second For example SYSTem RTC 2017 7 7 20 8 8 set system time at 20 08 08 July 7 2017 SYSTem RTC query return 2017 7 7 20 8 8 SYSTem CAL Command format SYSTem CA...
Page 10: ...mmand format SYSTem SQUare SELect 10Hz 100Hz 1KHz 10KHz SYSTem SQUare SELect Functional description Select square wave output Return format Query return 10Hz 100Hz 1KHz 10KHz For example SYSTem SQUare SELect 10Hz select 10Hz square wave output SYSTem SQUare SELect query return 10Hz SYSTem OUTPut SELect Command format SYSTem OUTPut SELect TRIGger PASS_FAIL SYSTem OUTPut SELect Functional descriptio...
Page 11: ...mmand format SYSTem BRIGhtness count SYSTem BRIGhtness Functional description Set screen luminance count take value from 1 100 the number greater the screen brighter Return format Query return the current screen luminance For example SYSTem BRIGhtness 50 set screen luminance as 50 SYSTem BRIGhtness query return 50 SYSTem VERSion Command format SYSTem VERSion Return format Query return version info...
Page 12: ...character string parameter the format is xxx xxx xxx xxx Return format Query return the default gateway For example SYST COMM LAN GATE 192 168 1 1 set the default gateway as 192 168 1 1 SYST COMM LAN GATE query return192 168 1 1 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN SMASK Command format SYSTem COMMunicate LAN SMASK submask SYSTem COMMunicate LAN SMASK Functional description Set subnet mask submask is belong to A...
Page 13: ...ST COMM LAN IPAD query return 192 168 1 10 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN DHCP Command format SYSTem COMMunicate LAN DHCP 1 ON 0 OFF SYSTem COMMunicate LAN DHCP Functional description To switch configuration mode auto IP and manual IP Return format Query return dynamic configuration mode 0 presents manual IP 1 presents auto IP For example SYST COMM LAN DHCP ON turn on IP dynamic configuration mode SYST CO...
Page 14: ...k unlock this key key definition and description see Appendix 1 Key List Return format Query return lock status or LED status Lock status 0 presents unlock 1 presents lock LED status 0 presents light off 1 presents light on green 2 presents light on red For example KEY AUTO set oscilloscope control value KEY AUTO LOCK ON OFF lock unlock key KEY AUTO LOCK query return lock status of this key 1 pres...
Page 15: ...andwidth limit to achieve full display bandwidth Return format Query return 1 or 0 it presents ON or OFF For example CHAN1 BWL ON turn on channel 1 bandwidth limit CHAN1 BWL query return 1 it presents channel 1 bandwidth limit is turn on CHANnel n COUPling Command format CHANnel n COUPling DC AC GND CHANnel n COUPling Functional description Set channel coupling mode DC presents the AC and DC compo...
Page 16: ...inversion display function ON turn on inversion display function or OFF waveform normal display Return format Query return 1 or 0 it presents ON or OFF For example CHAN1 INV OFF turn off channel 1 inversion display function CHAN1 INV Query return 0 it presents channel 1 inversion display function is turn off CHANnel n OFFSet Command format CHANnel n OFFSet offset CHANnel n OFFSet Functional descri...
Page 17: ...ion scale voltage base value UP plus one position based on the current position DOWN minus one position based on the current position Return format Query return the current voltage position value by scientific notation method unit is V For example CHAN1 SCAL 20V set channel 1 voltage base as 20V CHAN1 SCAL query return 2 000e001 CHAN1 SCAL UP plus one position based on 20V voltage base CHANnel n F...
Page 18: ...nal description Set position accommodation mode ON presents Fine tuning to further subdivides between coarse tuning settings to improve vertical resolution OFF presents Coarse tuning based on 1 2 5 system to set vertical sensitivity Return format Query return 1 or 0 it presents ON or OFF For example CHAN1 VERN ON turn on channel 1 fine tuning function CHAN1 VERN query return 1 CHANnel n BIAS Comma...
Page 19: ...le CHAN1 BIASV 2 set channel 1 bias voltage value as 2V CHAN1 BIASV query return 2 000e000 CHANnel n BIASV ZREO Command format CHANnel n BIASV ZERO Functional description Set channel bias voltage go to zero CHANnel n SELect Command format CHANnel n SELect CHANnel n SELect Functional description For channel selection Return format Query return 1 or 0 it presents ON or OFF For example CHAN1 SELect s...
Page 20: ...ebase MODE Command format TIMebase MODE MAIN WINDow TIMebase MODE Functional description Set timebase mode MAIN or WINDow zoom timebase Zoomed Return format Query return MAIN or WINDow For example TIM MODE MAIN set timebase mode as MAIN TIM MODE query return MAIN TIMebase OFFSet Command format TIMebase OFFSet offset TIMebase OFFSet Functional description For adjust MAIN offset value wave shift rel...
Page 21: ...Le Functional description Set timebase position of MAIN s div scale timebase value UP plus one position based on the current position DOWN minus one position based on the current position Return format Query return scale value by scientific notation method unit is s div For example TIM SCAL 2 set MAIN offset value as 2s div TIM SCAL query return 2 000e000 TIMebase WINDow SCALe Command format TIMeb...
Page 22: ...CH4 waveform set filter to use expression operation FUNCtion MATH MODE Command format FUNCtion MATH MODE MATH FFT LOGic FILTer ADVance FUNCtion MATH MODE Functional description Select MATH function mode Return format Query return MATH FFT LOGic FILTer ADVance For example FUNC MATH MODE FFT select MATH mode as FFT mode FUNC MATH MODE query return FFT FUNCtion OPERation Command format FUNCtion OPERa...
Page 23: ... as 1V FUNC DIG1 THR query return 1 000e000 FUNCtion SOURce m Command format FUNCtion SOURce m value FUNCtion SOURce m Functional description SOURce m presents source 1 or source 2 m take vaule as 1 2 SOURce1 is to select the first source of operator and math function or it can be single source of Filter and FFT SOURce2 is to select the second source of operator and math function Single source of ...
Page 24: ...FUNC FFT WIND query return HAMMing FUNCtion FFT VTYPe Command format FUNCtion FFT VTYPe VRMS DBRMS FUNCtion FFT VTYPe Functional description Set unit of FFT vertical diection as dbrms or VRMS dbrms presents root mean square of power VRMS presents root mean square of voltage Return format Query return VRMS DBRMS For example FUNCtion SOUR1 CHAN1 set channel 1 as source 1 FUNC FFT VTYP VRMS set unit ...
Page 25: ...rn BP FUNCtion FILTer FREQuency HIGH Command format FUNCtion FILTer FREQuency HIGH freq FUNCtion FILTer FREQuency HIGH Functional description The setting of the upper frequency limit of filter It is applicable for high pass filter band pass filer and band stop filter Return format Query return 1 000e003 unit is Hz For example FUNCtion SOUR1 CHAN1 set channel 1 as source 1 FUNC FILT FREQ HIGH 1KHz ...
Page 26: ...Functional description The switch setting of logic inversion function Return format Query return 1 or 0 it presents ON or OFF For example FUNCtion LOGic INVert OFF turn off inversion function FUNCtion LOGic INVert query return 0 turn off inversion function FUNCtion EXPRession Command format FUNCtion EXPRession expression Functional description Use free combination expression to mathematical calcul...
Page 27: ...n on For example MEASure ALL ON turn on all measurement function MEASure ALL query return1 MEASure CLEar Command format MEASure CLEar Functional description Empty the current measured parameter value For example MEAS CLE delete the current measured parameter value MEASure SOURce Command format MEASure SOURce source MEASure SOURce Functional description Select measurement source source is CHANnel n...
Page 28: ...negative duty ratio of the specified channel waveform source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Ignore means the current channel Return format Query return 5 000e001 unit is MEASure PDELay Command format MEASure PDELay source1 source2 Functional description Measuring source1 and source2 relative to time delay of rise edge source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANn...
Page 29: ...all edge MEAS DEL SOUR CHAN1 CHAN2 MEASure NDEL equivalent to MEASure NDEL CHAN1 CHAN2 MEASure PHASe Command format MEASure PHASe source1 source2 Functional description Timing measuring source1 relative to source2 the advance or hysteretic of time quantum it presents by degree 360 as a period source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Return format Query return 1 000e001 unit is ...
Page 30: ...lue as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Ignore means the current channel Return format Query return2 120e000 unit is V MEASure VMIN Command format MEASure VMIN source Functional description Measuring the minimum value of the specified channel waveform source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Ignore means the current channel Return format Query return 2 120e000 unit is V ...
Page 31: ...000 unit is V MEASure VMIDdle Command format MEASure VMIDdle source Functional description Measuring the middle value of the specified channel waveform source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Ignore means the current channel Return format Query return0 120e000 unit is V MEASure VAVerage Command format MEASure VAVerage interval source Functional description Measuring the averag...
Page 32: ...s V MEASure AREa Command format MEASure AREa interval source Functional description Measuring the area of the specified channel waveform source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 and MATH If there has no designated source the current channel as source by default interval appoint the measurement separation take value as CYCLe and DISPlay CYCLe presents integer cycle period DISPlay pr...
Page 33: ... Ignore means the current channel Return format Query return 2 000e003 unit is Hz MEASure RISetime Command format MEASure RISetime source Functional description Measuring rise time of the specified channel waveform source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 Ignore means the current channel Return format Query return 5 000e 005 unit is s MEASure FALLtime Command format MEASure FALLtim...
Page 34: ...ommand format MEASure NWIDth source Functional description Measuring negative pulse width of the specified channel waveform source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Ignore means the current channel Return format Query return 5 000e 003 unit is s MEASure FRR Command format MEASure FRR source1 source2 Functional description Measuring time of the first rise edge between source1 an...
Page 35: ...t fall edge between source1 and source2 source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Return format Query return 5 000e 003 unit is s MEASure LRR Command format MEASure LRR source1 source2 Functional description Measuring time between the first rise edge of source1 and the rise edge of source2 source take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Return format Query return 5 ...
Page 36: ...urce take value as CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 and CHANnel4 Return format Query return 5 000e 003 unit is s TRIGger Command This command is to control trigger sweep mode and trigger standard trigger decide when oscilloscope start to collect data and display waveform Trigger Command TRIGger MODE Command format TRIGger MODE mode TRIGger MODE Functional description Set trigger mode mode divided into E...
Page 37: ...Eep AUTO NORMal SINGle TRIGger SWEep Functional description Select trigger sweep mode AUTO If there has no trigger term internal will produce trigger signal to force trigger NORMal Trigger only when in trigger term SINGle In trigger term trigger one time and stop Return format Query return trigger sweep mode AUTO NORMal SINGle For example TRIGger SWEep AUTO set channel 1 as auto trigger mode TRIGg...
Page 38: ...Gger LEVel LOW level TRIGger LEVel LOW Functional description Set low level value of slope trigger level value must set based on the conversion of voltage base and screen information Return format Query return level value unit is V For example TRIG LEV LOW 2 set trigger level as 2V TRIG LEV LOW query return 2 000e000 TRIGger LEVel HIGH Command format TRIGger LEVel HIGH level TRIGger LEVel HIGH Fun...
Page 39: ...formation source trigger CHANnel n EXT EXT5 ACLine n take value as 1 2 3 4 Return format Query return information source trigger CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 EXT EXT5 ACLINE For example TRIGger SOUR CHAN1 set channel 1 as edge trigger TRIGger SOUR query return CHANnel1 TRIGger COUPling Command format TRIGger COUPling DC AC LF HF NOISE TRIGger COUPling Functional description Set the coupling...
Page 40: ...r EDGE SLOP query return POSitive Pulse Width Trigger TRIGger PULSe QUALifier Command format TRIGger PULSe QUALifier GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal TRIGger PULSe QUALifier Functional description Set the term of pulse time GREaterthan LESSthan and EQUal Return format Query return GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal For example TRIGger PULSe QUALifier GRE set the pulse term as GREaterthan TRIGger PULSe QUALifier...
Page 41: ...t Query return the current time interval unit is s For example TRIGger PULSe TIME 1 set pulse width as 1s TRIGger PULSe TIME query return1 000e000 Video Trigger TRIGger VIDeo MODE Command format TRIGger VIDeo MODE ODD EVEN LINE ALINes TRIGger VIDeo MODE Functional description Set the sync mode of video trigger ODD EVEN LINE and ALINes Return format Query return ODD EVEN LINE ALIN For example TRIGg...
Page 42: ...value TRIGger VIDEO LINE Functional description Set the specified line of video sync value presents the specified line and the range which is related to the video standard Return format Query return the specified line For example TRIG VIDEO LINE 50 set the specified line of video sync as 50 TRIG VIDEO LINE query return 50 TRIGger VIDEO SRATe Command format TRIGger VIDEO SRATe Functional descriptio...
Page 43: ...terthan TRIGger SLOPe QUALifier query return GREaterthan TRIGger SLOPe SLOPe Command format TRIGger SLOPe SLOPe POSitive NEGative TRIGger SLOPe SLOPe Functional description Set the type of slope trigger POSitive and NEGative Return format Query return POSitive NEGative For example TRIGger SLOPe SLOPe POS set the slope trigger as POSitive TRIGger SLOPe SLOPe query return POSitive TRIGger SLOPe TIME...
Page 44: ...pe trigger as HIGH TRIGger SLOPe THR query return HIGH Runt Trigger TRIGger RUNT QUALifier Command format TRIGger RUNT QUALifier GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal NONE TRIGger RUNT QUALifier Functional description Set time term of low level GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal and NONE Return format Query return GREaterthan LESSthan EQUal NONE For example TRIGger RUNT QUALifier GRE set the slope term as GREatertha...
Page 45: ...cription Set the trigger mode of low level Return format Query return LOW HIGH For example TRIGger RUNT LEV HIGH set the trigger mode of low level as HIGH TRIGger RUNT LEV query return HIGH TRIGger RUNT TIME Command format TRIGger RUNT TIME time TRIGger RUNT TIME Functional description Set the time interval of low level Return format Query return the current time interval unit is s For example TRI...
Page 46: ... the window trigger as POSitive TRIGger WINDow SLOP query return POSitive TRIGger WINDow LEVel Command format TRIGger WINDow LEVel LOW HIGH TRIGger WINDow LEVel Functional description Set the level mode of window trigger Return format Query return LOW HIGH For example TRIGger WINDow LEV HIGH set the level mode of window trigger as HIGH TRIGger WINDow LEV query return HIGH TRIGger WINDow TIME Comma...
Page 47: ... of window trigger at TIME TRIGger WINDow POS query return TIME Delay Trigger TRIGger DELay ARM SOURce Command format TRIGger DELay ARM SOURce CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 TRIGger DELay ARM SOURce Functional description Set the focus source of delay trigger Return format Query return CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 For example TRIGger DELay ARM SOUR CHAN1 set channel 1 as the focus sour...
Page 48: ...Set the delay trigger source Return format Query return CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 For example TRIGger DELay TRIGger SOUR CHAN1 set channel 1 as the trigger source TRIGger DELay TRIGger SOUR query return CHANnel1 TRIGger DELay TRIGger SLOPe Command format TRIGger DELay TRIGger SLOPe NEGative POSitive TRIGger DELay TRIGger SLOPe Functional description Set edge trigger mode POSitive and NEG...
Page 49: ...ALifier query return GREaterthan TRIGger DELay MODE Command format TRIGger DELay MODE NORMAL UPPER LOW TRIGger DELay MODE Functional description Set the time mode of delay trigger Return format Query return NORMAL UPPER LOW For example TRIGger DELay MODE UPPER set the delay trigger mode as UPPER TRIGger DELay MODE query return UPPER TRIGger DELay TIME Command format TRIGger DELay TIME time TRIGger...
Page 50: ...t query return SOURce1 Timeout Trigger TRIGger TIMEOUT TIME Command format TRIGger TIMEOUT TIME time TRIGger TIMEOUT TIME Functional description Set the time interval of timeout trigger Return format Query return the current time interval unit is s For example TRIGger TIMEOUT TIME 1 set the time interval of timeout trigger as 1s TRIGger TIMEOUT TIME query return 1 000e000 TRIGger TIMEOUT SLOPe Com...
Page 51: ...n MODE UPPER set duration trigger as UPPER mode TRIGger DURation MODE query return UPPER TRIGger DURation PATTern Command format TRIGger DURation PATTern HIGH LOW X TRIGger DURation PATTern Functional description Set the code pattern of duration trigger HIGH code pattern value as 1 LOW code pattern value as 0 X channel is invalid Return format Query return HIGH LOW X For example TRIGger DURation P...
Page 52: ...Nnel3 CHANnel4 TRIGger SHOLd DATA SOURce Functional description Set data source of setup hold trigger Return format Query return CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 For example TRIGger SHOLd DATA SOUR CHAN1 set channel 1 as data source TRIGger SHOLd DATA SOUR query return CHANnel1 TRIGger SHOLd CLOCK SOURce Command format TRIGger SHOLd CLOCK SOURce CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 TRIGger SHOLd...
Page 53: ...TRIGger SHOLd PATTern HIGH LOW TRIGger SHOLd PATTern Functional description Set the code pattern of setup hold trigger HIGH code pattern value as 1 LOW code pattern value as 0 Return format Query return HIGH LOW For example TRIGger SHOLd PATTern HIGH set the code pattern of setup hold trigger 1 TRIGger SHOLd PATTern query return HIGH TRIGger SHOLd MODE Command format TRIGger SHOLd MODE SETup HOLD ...
Page 54: ...r SHOLd TIME time TRIGger SHOLd TIME Functional description Set the time interval of setup hold trigger Return format Query return the current time interval unit is s For example TRIGger SHOLd TIME 1 set time interval of setup hold trigger as 1ms TRIGger SHOLd TIME query return 1 000e000 TRIGger SHOLd SELect Command format TRIGger SHOLd SELect SOURce n TRIGger SHOLd SELect Functional description F...
Page 55: ...itive TRIGger NEDGE TIME Command format TRIGger NEDGE TIME time TRIGger NEDGE TIME Functional description Set time interval of N edge trigger Return format Query return the current time interval unit is s For example TRIGger NEDGE TIME 1 set time interval of N edge trigger as 1s TRIGger NEDGE TIME query return 1 000e000 Code Pattern Trigger TRIGger PATTern PATTern Command format TRIGger PATTern PA...
Page 56: ...format CURSor MODE TRACK INDependent CURSor MODE Functional description Set cursor mode TRACK and INDependent Return format Query return TRACK INDependent For example CURSor MODE TRACK set cursor mode as TRACK CURSor MODE query return TRACK CURSor TYPE Command format CURSor TYPE AMPlitude TIME CLOSe CURSor TYPE Functional description Set cursor mode AMPlitude TIME and CLOSe Return format Query ret...
Page 57: ...ical position of A cursor line It is related with directive CURSor TYPE amplitude presents the vertical position time presents the horizontal position Vertical line range 0 699 horizontal line range 28 227 Return format Query return the position of A cursor line For example CURSor CURA 50 set manual A cursor line position as 50 CURSor CURA query return 50 CURSor CURB Command format CURSor CURB val...
Page 58: ...E set storage mode as WAVE STORage TYPE query return WAVE STORage WAVE SOURce Command format STORage WAVE SOURce source STORage WAVE SOURce Functional description Select storage channel of waveform data source take value as CHANnel n n take value as 1 2 3 4 Return format Query return CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 For example STORage WAVE SOURce CHAN1 save channel 1 waveform STORage WAVE SOUR...
Page 59: ...e LOCation Functional description Set the current internal storage position location 0 255 stepped as 1 Return format Query return the current internal storage position For example STORage LOCation 5 set the fifth file as the internal storage position STORage LOCation query return 5 STORage DISK SELect Command format STORage DISK SELect FLASH UDISK STORage DISK SELect Functional description For se...
Page 60: ...ormat Query return the current internal storage position For example REF LOCation 5 set the fifth file as the internal storage position REF LOCation query return 5 REF LOAD Command format REF LOAD Functional description Load local reference waveform data REF CLEar Command format REF CLEar Functional description Empty displayed reference waveform REF DISK SELect Command format REF DISK SELect FLASH...
Page 61: ...sampling mode NORMal AVERage PEAKdetect ENVelope and HRESolution Return format Query return NORMal AVERage PEAKdetect ENVelope HRESolution For example ACQ TYPE AVER set aquire mode as AVERage ACQ TYPE query return AVERage ACQuire MODE Command format ACQuire MODE RTIMe ETIMe ACQuire MODE Functional description Set sampling mode RTIMe and ETIMe Return format Query return RTIMe ETIMe For example ACQ ...
Page 62: ...on Set depth mode of sampling storage Return format Query return AUTO 700 7K 70K 700K 7M 70M For example ACQ MEM DEPT ATUO set storage depth as AUTO mode ACQ MEM DEPT query return AUTO DISPlay Command This command is to set or query display function or data DISPlay DATA Command format DISPlay DATA Functional description For query the current image data on the screen Return format Query return BMP ...
Page 63: ...the grid brighter Return format Query return the current grid luminance For example DISPlay GRID BRIGhtness 50 set grid luminance as 50 DISPlay GRID BRIGhtness query return 50 DISPlay WAVE BRIGhtness Command format DISPlay WAVE BRIGhtness count DISPlay WAVE BRIGhtness Functional description Set waveform luminance count take value as 1 100 the number is greater the waveform brighter Return format Q...
Page 64: ...ay TYPE Functional description Set the display type of time base as XY12 X Y method display amplitude of channel 1 on the horizontal axis display amplitude of channel 2 on the vertical axis XY34 X Y method display amplitude of channel 3 on the horizontal axis display amplitude of channel 4 on the vertical axis YT Y T method display the relative relationship of vertical voltage and horiziontal time...
Page 65: ...andard format Return format Query return WORD BYTE ASCII For example WAVeform FORMat BYTE return format of waveform data is single byte mode WAVeform FORMat query return BYTE WAVeform VOLtage FORMat Command format WAVeform VOLtage FORMat BYTE ASCII CSV WAVeform VOLtage FORMat Functional description Set return format of waveform point voltage data this command is only valid for voltage data unit is...
Page 66: ...hannel 1 WAVeform SOURce query return CHANnel1 WAVeform POINts Command format WAVeform POINts points WAVeform POINts Functional description Set return waveform point the default value is 0 Return format Query return waveform point For example WAVeform POINts 120 set return waveform point as 120 WAVeform POINts query return 120 WAVeform DATA Command format WAVeform DATA Functional description To re...
Page 67: ...Xref Yinc Yor Yref Format BYTE 0 WORD 1 ASCII 2 Type NORMAL 0 PEAK 1 AVER 2 ENVelope 3 HRESolution 4 Points return point of waveform data Count average count in average sampling other mode is 1 Xinc the time difference between in two point of X direction of waveform data source Xor the relative time of trigger point Xref X reference Yinc unit voltage of Y direction Yor the relative position of Y d...
Page 68: ...AVeform XREFerence Functional description Query reference time baseline of X direction data point Return format Query reference time For example WAV XREF query return 0 WAVeform YINCrement Command format WAVeform YINCrement Functional description Query unit voltage value in Y direction of the specified waveform data source Return format Query return unit voltage value in Y direction unit is V For ...
Page 69: ...ormat Query return reference position For example WAV YREF query return 100 SBUS Command This command is to set the relevant parameter of RS232 SPI I2C bus Basic attribute SBUS DISPlay Command format SBUS DISPlay 1 ON 0 OFF SBUS DISPlay Functional description The switch setting of bus encoding status Return format Query return 1 or 0 it presents ON or OFF For example SBUS DISPlay ON turn on bus en...
Page 70: ...BUS BASE ASCii BINary HEX DEC SBUS BASE Functional description Set display format of bus Return format Query return ASCii BINary HEX DEC For example SBUS BASE BIN set display format of bus encoding as binary SBUS BASE query return BINary SBUS EVENt Command format SBUS EVENt 1 ON 0 OFF SBUS EVENt Functional description The switch setting of bus event Return format Query return 1 or 0 it presents ON...
Page 71: ... 160 160 screen center as zero point up to positive down to negative Return format Query return vertical position value For example SBUS VERTical POSition 10 vertical position value of bus is 10 SBUS VERTical POSition query return 10 SBUS TRIGger SWEep Command format SBUS TRIGger SWEep AUTO NORMal SBUS TRIGger SWEep Functional description Select the sweep mode of bus trigger AUTO if there no trigg...
Page 72: ...ery return AC RS232 SBUS RS232 BAUDrate Command format SBUS RS232 BAUDrate baudrate SBUS RS232 BAUDrate Functional description Set baud rate of RS232 bus encoding Parameter is integer range 120 5000000 Return format Query return baud rate For example SBUS RS232 BAUDrate 500 set RS232 baud rate as 500b s SBUS RS232 BAUDrate query return 500 SBUS RS232 BITorder Command format SBUS RS232 BITorder LSB...
Page 73: ...e CHANnel1 set channel 1 as RS232 bus encoding source SBUS RS232 SOURce query return CHANnel1 SBUS RS232 POLarity Command format SBUS RS232 POLarity POSitive NEGative SBUS RS232 POLarity Functional description Set the polarity of RS232 bus encoding POSitive and NEGative Return format Query return POSitive NEGative For example SBUS RS232 POLarity POSitive set the polarity of RS232 bus encoding as P...
Page 74: ...set RS232 data bit as 6 SBUS RS232 DATA BIT query return 6 SBUS RS232 STOP BIT Command format SBUS RS232 STOP BIT 1 2 SBUS RS232 STOP BIT Functional description Set stop bit of RS232 bus Return format Query return 1 2 For example SBUS RS232 STOP BIT 6 set stop bit as 6 SBUS RS232 STOP BIT query return 6 SBUS RS232 DATA Command format SBUS RS232 DATA value SBUS RS232 DATA Functional description Set...
Page 75: ...r DATA For example SBUS RS232 QUALifier ERRF set RS232 bus term as error frame SBUS RS232 QUALifier query return ERRFrame I2C SBUS I2C CLOCk SOURce Command format SBUS I2C CLOCk SOURce CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 SBUS I2C CLOCk SOURce Functional description Set clock source of I2C bus Return format Query return CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 For example SBUS I2C CLOCk SOURce CHANnel1 ...
Page 76: ...onal description Set bit wide of I2C bus address Return format Query return 7 10 For example SBUS I2C ASIZe 7 set bit wide as 7 SBUS I2C ASIZe query return 7 SBUS I2C ADIRection Command format SBUS I2C ADIRection READ WRITE SBUS I2C ADIRection Functional description Set direction of I2C bus address Return format Query return READ WRITE For example SBUS I2C ADIRection READ et I2C bus address direct...
Page 77: ...US I2C DATA QUALifier Functional description Set data term of I2C bus Return format Query return EQUal LESSthan GREaterthan For example SBUS I2C DATA QUALifier EQUal set I2C bus term as EQUal SBUS I2C DATA QUALifier query return EQUal SBUS I2C DATA Command format SBUS I2C DATA value SBUS I2C DATA Functional description Set I2C bus data parameter is character string of 0x format data range is 0x0 0...
Page 78: ...e Functional description Set chip selection source of SPI bus Return format Query return CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 For example SBUS SPI CS SOURce CHANnel1 set channel 1 as chip selection source SBUS SPI CS SOURce query return CHANnel1 SBUS SPI CLOCk SOURce Command format SBUS SPI CLOCk SOURce CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 SBUS SPI CLOCk SOURce Functional description Set clock sourc...
Page 79: ...t SBUS SPI MOSI SOURce CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 OFF SBUS SPI MOSI SOURce Functional description Set host computer output and slave computer input source of SPI bus Return format Query return CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 OFF For example SBUS SPI MOSI SOURce CHANnel1 set channel 1 as host computer output and slave computer input source of SPI bus SBUS SPI MOSI SOURce query return C...
Page 80: ... Command format SBUS SPI CLOCk POLarity NEGative POSitive SBUS SPI CLOCk POLarity Functional description Set the clock polarity of SPI bus POSitive and NEGative Return format Query return NEGative POSitive For example SBUS SPI CLOCk POLarity POSitive set the clock polarity of SPI bus as POSitive SBUS SPI CLOCk POLarity query return POSitive SBUS SPI MISO POLarity Command format SBUS SPI MISO POLar...
Page 81: ...Gative POSitive For example SBUS SPI MOSI POLarity POSitive set the polarity as POSitive SBUS SPI MOSI POLarity query return POSitive SBUS SPI WIDTh Command format SBUS SPI WIDTh 4 8 12 16 SBUS SPI WIDTh Functional description Set bit wide of SPI bus data Return format Query return 4 8 12 16 For example SBUS SPI WIDTh 4 set bit wide as 4 SBUS SPI WIDTh query return 4 SBUS SPI TRIGger TYPE Command ...
Page 82: ... return timeout value of trigger by scientific notation method unit is s For example SBUS SPI TRIGger TIMeout 100ns set timeout of SPI bus trigger as 100ns SBUS SPI TRIGger TIMeout query return 1 000e 007 SBUS SPI DATA Command format SBUS SPI DATA value SBUS SPI DATA Functional description Set SPI bus data parameter is character string of 0x format data range 0x0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Return format Q...
Page 83: ...l description Set frame length of SPI bus data Return format Query return len For example SBUS SPI FRAMelen 1 set frame length of SPI bus data as 1 SBUS SPI FRAMelen query return 1 CAN SBUS CAN POSitive SOURce Command format SBUS CAN POSitive SOURce CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 SBUS CAN POSitive SOURce Functional description Set input positive source of CAN bus Return format Query return CH...
Page 84: ...GNal DEFinition Command format SBUS CAN SIGNal DEFinition CANH CANL RXTX DIFFerential SBUS CAN SIGNal DEFinition Functional description Set signal mode of CAN bus Return format Query return CANH CANL RXTX DIFFerential For example SBUS CAN SIGNal DEFinition CANH set CANH as the signal of CAN bus SBUS CAN SIGNal DEFinition query return CANH SBUS CAN SAMPlepoint Command format SBUS CAN SAMPlepoint pe...
Page 85: ...format SBUS CAN QUALifier START TYPE ID DATA ACKerror BITFILL IDDATA END SBUS CAN QUALifier Functional description Set the the trigger term of CAN bus Return format Query return START TYPE ID DATA ACKerror BITFILL IDDATA END For example SBUS SPI QUALifier ACK set the trigger term as ACKerror SBUS SPI QUALifier query return ACKerror SBUS CAN FRAMe TYPE Command format SBUS CAN FRAMe TYPE DATA REMote...
Page 86: ...rd string SBUS CAN ID STANdard Functional description Set ID standard frame data of CAN bus parameter is character string of 0x format Standard frame range 0x0 0xFFF Return format Query return character string of 0x format For example SBUS CAN ID STANdard 0xFFF set ID standard frame data as 0xFFF SBUS CAN ID STANdard query return 0xFFF SBUS CAN ID EXTend Command format SBUS CAN ID EXTend string SB...
Page 87: ...ection query return READ SBUS CAN DATA QUALifier Command format SBUS CAN DATA QUALifier EQUal LESSthan GREaterthan NEQUal LEQUal GEQUal SBUS CAN DATA QUALifier Functional description Set compare term of CAN bus DATA Return format Query return EQUal LESSthan GREaterthan NEQUal LEQUal GEQUal For example SBUS CAN DATA QUALifier EQUal set compare term as EQUal SBUS CAN DATA QUALifier query return EQUa...
Page 88: ...xample SBUS USB POSitive SOURce CHANnel1 set channel 1 as positive source of USB bus SBUS USB POSitive SOURce query return CHANnel1 SBUS USB NEGative SOURce Command format SBUS USB NEGative SOURce CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 SBUS USB NEGative SOURce Functional description Set input negative source of USB bus Return format Query return CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 For example SBUS US...
Page 89: ...B bus Return format Query return SYNC RESET PAUSE RESUME END TOKEN HANDSHAKE DATA ERRor For example SBUS USB QUALifier ERRor set trigger term as errot frame SBUS USB QUALifier query return ERRor SBUS USB TOKEN TYPE Command format SBUS USB TOKEN TYPE ANY OUT IN SOF SETUP SBUS USB TOKEN TYPE Functional description Set token mode of USB Return format Query return ANY OUT IN SOF SETUP For example SBUS...
Page 90: ...ion Set trigger term of USB token pack Return format Query return EQUal LESSthan GREaterthan NEQUal LEQUal GEQUal INRange OUTRange For example SBUS USB TOKEN QUALifier EQUal set trigger term as EQUal SBUS USB TOKEN QUALifier query return EQUal SBUS USB TOKEN ADDRess Command format SBUS USB TOKEN ADDRess string SBUS USB TOKEN ADDRess Functional description Set address of USB token pack parameter is...
Page 91: ...t SBUS USB HAND TYPE ANY STALL ACK NAK SBUS USB HAND TYPE Functional description Set handshake pack mode of USB Return format Query return ANY STALL ACK NAK For example SBUS USB HAND TYPE ANY set handshake pack mode as ANY SBUS USB HAND TYPE query return ANY SBUS USB DATA TYPE Command format SBUS USB DATA TYPE ANY DATA0 DATA1 SBUS USB DATA TYPE Functional description Set data pack mode of USB Retu...
Page 92: ...USB DATA OFFSet offset SBUS USB DATA OFFSet Functional description Set offset byte of USB data pack offset is integer data range 0 15 Return format Query return offset of USB data pack For example SBUS USB DATA OFFSet 2 set offset byte as 2 SBUS USB DATA OFFSet query return 2 SBUS USB DATA LOW Command format SBUS USB DATA LOW string SBUS USB DATA LOW Functional description Set low trigger data of ...
Page 93: ...FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Return format Query return character string of 0x format For example SBUS USB DATA HIGH 0x5F set positive data of USB signal line as 0x5F SBUS USB DATA HIGH query return 0x5F SBUS USB ERRor TYPE Command format SBUS USB ERRor TYPE PID TOKEN DATA BITFILL SBUS USB ERRor TYPE Functional description Set error mode of USB Return format Query return PID TOKEN DATA BITFILL For example S...
Page 94: ... switch of channel 2 CH3 The switch of channel 3 CH4 The switch of channel 4 F1 Select the first menu item F2 Select the second menu item F3 Select the third menu item F4 Select the fourth menu item F5 Select the fifth menu item MENu Menu display function PSCReen One button print or One button save screen image MEASure Measurement function CURSor Cursor measurement function and menu ACQuire Sampli...