ex: code = arm.set_servo_angle (servo_id = 1, angle = 1.57, is_radian = True)
2. To wait for the robotic arm to complete the current commands before returning,
wait = True;
ex: code = arm.set_servo_angle (servo_id = 1, angle = 45, is_radian = False,
wait = True)
Continuous Joint Motion
Inserting an arc transition between two joint motion commands is a way to plan the
continuous joint motion of the robotic arm.
The motion trajectory of the robotic arm in the above example is as
Key parameter description
Radius = 60
Radius =60 in the "move joint" command refers to setting the radius of
the transition arc R = 60mm, which is used to achieve a smooth transition
of the arc in a joint motion.
The parameters of Radius can be set as Radius> 0, Radius = 0, Radius = -1,
different parameters correspond to different trajectories.