Page 77 of 85 Pages
Use protective gloves in order not to burn your hands with
the hot steam.
Press the STOP key to interrupt the operation, and exhaust
steam from the chamber.
Wait until the pressure decreases to zero, only then can the
door be opened.
Safety opening device (11)
This Safety device is a 3/2 operating pneumatic
spring loaded valve (2 position, 3 ports) that is
connected to the safety port of the door. An angular
bracket (12), which is attached to one of the arms,
will pu
sh the valve’s piston to a position that at the
instant that the arms are locked, the safety port of
the door is blocked.
At the instant that the arms moves backward the
valve changes its position and the chamber is
vented. After the pressure in the chamber equalizes
the ambient pressure the autoclave’s door can be
opened with no risk for the operator, of steam or hot
water burst.
Safety Process Description
The user closes the door and rotates the handle clockwise
aprox. 90