7 Commands for parameter set up
7 Commands for parameter set up
This section explains the commands for parameter set up when the motor is working.
7-1 Basic configuration of motor
<ch>: 0 ~ F(Hexadecimal) for channel
Command SETMT<ch><en><hd><ac><pl>
Set basic configuration of motor
Motor enable
0/ Disable Motor operation
1/ Enable Motor operation
When set to 0, The situation is a state similar as LS (CW and
CCW) activation. And the operation involving the movement
is disabled.
Hold off
0/ Output hold off signal
1/ No output hold off signal
2/ Hold signal output during motor operation
3/ Always hold signal output
0 or 2 , the hold-off signal is sent while the motor is stopped.
It is output to the external driver. In 2 and 3, the polarity of the
signal is inverted from 0 and 1 and can be used as a motor
energization signal.
0/ Constant
1/ Trapezoidal
2/ S-character
Please refer to Drive speed setting (page12) for details.
0/ Pulse-Pulse
1/ Pulse-Direction (In CW, direction = H.)
2/ Pulse-Direction-Reverse (In CCW, direction = H)
Reply Nothing
SETMT01110 Selected ch0, enable motor operation, no output hold off signal,
trapezoidal mode, pulse-pulse output.
Only remote mode.
Item that is shaded is the default settings at parameter reset.
Command SETMT?<ch>
Confirm basic configuration of motor
Reply <en><hd><ac><pl> Please refer to ”SETMTx” for meaning.
Example SETMT?3 reply: 1011
Command HOLD<ch><on>
Set the output of hold off signal.
Argument <on>
OFF/ Enable the output of hold off signal.
ON/ Disable the output of hold off signal.
Reply Nothing
Example HOLD3ON
Disable the output of ch3's hold off signal.
Only remote mode.
Item that is shaded is the default settings at parameter reset.
It is the same as the hold off setting of the command SETMT.