13 Performance and Specifications
13 Performance and Specifications
AC85V ~ 264V, 47 ~ 440Hz, 50VA
Battery Backup: CR2032 x1
Control motor
16 motors can be controlled
Local mode: controls 4 motor units at the same time.
Remote mode: controls 16 motor units at the same time.
Out put
For each 16 motor driver,
CW, CCW (5V, 8mA: line driven)
HOLE OFF (+common can be selected from + 5V and
+12 V for each CH)
Pulse rate
5 ~ 10MPPS
Pulse control number
0 ~
Acceleration and
deceleration rate
0.00125 ms/kHz
Acceleration and
deceleration form
Constant speed, S-character form,
trapezoidal form
Output format
Pulse-Pulse, Pulse direction (Polarity of direction can be
Pulse out connector
Limit switch input
CW-LS, CCW-LS, HOME-LS 12V 5mA (minus
common) and power supply +12V for censer for each
motor (total 1A).
Limit switch connector Dsub9P
LCD display
Characters and lines of
display device
20charactors × 4 lines (Size : 9.2H ×4.8W)
Display contents in
control mode
channel number, current position of ±10 digit number,
speed display, contents of limit switch, relative moving
value, preset count value, home position information,
panel operation ready/not ready
Display contents in
data set mode
limit switch setting information, pulse output mode,
value of speed HSPD/MSPD/LSPD, acceleration and
deceleration rate value, Push button stop mode, origin
detect function, timing pulse generate function,
RS232C settings, GP-IB settings, HAND BOX
selection, FIRMWARE version selection
Remote control Communication way
LAN, GP-IB, RS232C port
EIA 2 UNIT rack mount t type (88H
For the further information, feel free to ask us.
Tsuji-Electronics Co., Ltd
TEL: +81-(0)29-832-3031 FAX: +81-(0)29-832-2662
E-mail : [email protected]
URL : http://www.tsujicon.jp
3739, Kandatsu-machi, Tsuchiura-city, Ibaraki 300-0013, Japan