Fix to ground and feed power
2b. Fit above ground conduit & feed
in power
For above ground power supply, feed the
conduit from the rear right of Veefil and
curve the conduit as shown so it will fit
into the cut out section of the rear
radiator panel (see section 7).
Trim the conduit to fit into the supplied
fitting and feed 300mm of wiring through
into the interior ready for commissioning.
Seal the conduit into the fitting with
Jointing Cement.
1. Secure to foundation
Lift the Veefil and place onto the prepared
foundation and secure. If power cabling
in conduit is supplied from underground,
feed through the baseplate conduit hole.
2a. Open AC box. Fit underground
conduit & feed in power
Using the key provided unlock and open
the door. Trim and fit the conduit into
the supplied fitting and feed 300mm of
wiring through into the interior ready for
commissioning. Seal the conduit into the
fitting with Jointing Cement so that no
water or debris can enter.
Model TRI93-50-02