Start-up and Shut-dow n
Daily Unit Start-up
Verify the chilled water pum p and condenser water
pum p starter are in ON or AUTO.
2. Verify the cooling tow er is in ON or AUTO.
3. Check the oil tank oil level; the level m ust be visible in
or above the low er sight glass. Also, check the oil tank
tem perature; norm al oil tank tem perature before start-
up is 53.3°C to 56.1°C (128°F to 133°F).
4. Check the chilled water setpoint and readjust it, if
necessary, in the Chiller Settings m enu.
5. If necessary, readjust the current lim it setpoint in the
Chiller Setpoints m enu.
6. Press AUTO.
The control panel also checks com pressor m otor w inding
tem perature, and a start is initiated after a m inim um
restart inhibit tim e if the w inding tem perature is less than
129.4°C (265°F). The chilled wa ter pum p relay is energized
and evaporator water flow is proven. Next, the control
panel checks the leaving evaporator water tem perature
and com pares it to the chilled water setpoint. If the
difference betw een these values is less than the start
differential setpoint, cooling is not needed.
If the control panel determ ines that the difference betw een
the evaporator leaving water tem perature and chilled
water setpoint exceeds the start differential setpoint, the
unit enters the initiate Start M ode and the refrigerant
pum p and the condenser water pum p are started. If flow is
not initially established w ithin 4 m inutes 15 seconds of the
condenser pum p relay energization, an autom atically
resetting diagnostic “ Condenser Water Flow Overdue”
shall be generated w hich term inates the prestart m ode
and de-energizes the condenser water pum p relay. This
diagnostic is autom atically reset if flow is established at
any later tim e.
N ot e: This diagnostic does not autom atically reset if
Tracer AdaptiView is in control of the condenser
pum p through its condenser pum p relay, since it is
com m anded off at the tim e of the diagnostic. It m ay
reset and allow norm al chiller operation if the
pum p was controlled from som e external source.
If the com pressor m otor starts and accelerates
successfully, Running appears on the display. If the purge
is set to AUTO, the purge w ill start running and w ill run as
long as the chiller is running.
N ot e: If a m anual reset diagnostic condition is detected
during start-up, unit operation w ill be locked out,
and a m anual reset is required before the start-up
sequence can begin again. If the fault condition has
not cleared, the control panel w ill not perm it
When the cooling requirem ent is satisfied, the control
panel originates a Shutting dow n signal. The inlet guide
vanes are driven closed for 50 seconds, the com pressor
stops, and the unit enters a 3-m inute post-lube period. The
evaporator pum p m ay continue to run for the am ount of
tim e set using Tracer AdaptiView.
Once the post-lube cycle is done, the unit returns to auto
m ode.
Seasonal Unit Start-up
Close all drain valves, and reinstall the drain plugs in
the evaporator and condenser headers.
2. Service the auxiliary equipm ent according to the start-
up and m aintenance instructions provided by the
respective equipm ent m anufacturers.
3. Fill and vent the cooling tow er, if used, as w ell as the
condenser and piping. At this point, all air m ust be
rem oved from the system (including each pass). Then
close the vents in the condenser waterboxes.
4. Open all of the valves in the evaporator chilled water
5. If the evaporator was previously drained, fill and vent
the evaporator and chilled water circuit. When all air is
rem oved from the system (including each pass), close
the vent valves in the evaporator waterboxes.
6. Lubricate the external vane control linkage as needed.
Check the adjustm ent and operation of each safety and
operating control.
8. Close all disconnect sw itches.
9. Perform instructions listed in
“ Daily Unit Start-up,”
p. 82
Daily Unit Shut-dow n
N ot e: Also refer to
Figure 45, p. 78
Press STOP.
2. After com pressor and water pum ps shut-dow n, the
operator m ay turn Pum p Contactors to OFF or open
pum p disconnects.
Seasonal Unit Shut-dow n
Im port ant :
Control pow er disconnect sw itch m ust
rem ain closed to allow oil sum p heater
operation. Failure to do this w ill allow
refrigerant to condense in the oil pum p.
Open all disconnect sw itches except the control pow er
disconnect sw itch.
2. Drain the condenser piping and cooling tow er, if used.
Rinse w ith clean water.
3. Rem ove the drain and vent plugs from the condenser
headers to drain the condenser. Air dry bundle of
residual water.
4. Once the unit is secured for the season, the
m aintenance procedures described
Table 20, p. 92
Table 21, p. 93
should be perform ed by qualified Trane
service technicians.
N ot e: During extended shut-dow n periods, be sure to
operate the purge unit for a tw o-hour period every
Summary of Contents for CVHH
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