Installation: Water Piping
The follow ing water piping circuits m ust be installed and
connected to the chiller:
Pipe the evaporator into the chilled water circuit.
Pipe the condenser into the cooling tow er water circuit.
Optional: A heat-recovery condenser water circuit.
Optional: An auxiliary condenser water circuit.
N ot e: Piping m ust be arranged and supported to avoid
stress on the equipm ent. It is strongly
recom m ended that the piping contractor does not
run pipe closer than 0.91 m (3 feet) m inim um to the
equipm ent. This w ill allow for proper fit upon
arrival of the unit at the job site. Any adjustm ent
that is necessary can be m ade to the piping at that
tim e. Expenses that result from a failure to follow
this recom m endation w ill not be paid by Trane.
Piping suggestions for each of the water circuits listed
above are outlined in
“ Evaporator and Condenser Water
Piping,” p. 25
. General recom m endations for the
installation of field supplied piping com ponents (e.g.,
valves, flow sw itches, etc.) com m on to m ost chiller water
circuits are listed below.
Water Treatment
The use of untreated or im properly treated water in a
CenTraVac m ay result in inefficient operation and possible
tube dam age.
Im port ant :
Trane strongly recom m ends using the
services of a qualified water treatm ent
specialist to determ ine necessary water
treatm ent. A label w ith a custom er
disclaim er note is affixed to each unit.
Pressure Gauges
Locate pressure gauge taps in a straight length of pipe.
Place each tap a m inim um of one pipe diam eter
dow nstream of any elbow, orifice, etc. For exam ple, for a
152.4 m m (6 in.) pipe, the tap w ould be at least 152.4 m m
(6 in.) from any elbow, orifice, etc.
Valves—Drains and Vents
Install field-supplied air vents and drain valves on the
waterboxes. Each waterbox is provided w ith a National
Pipe Thread Fem ale (NPTF) vent and drain connection;
the openings are 19.05 m m (3/4 in.).
2. If necessary for the application, install pressure-relief
valves at the drain connections on the evaporator and
condenser waterboxes. To do so, add a tee w ith the
relief valve attached to the drain valve. Follow local
codes for determ ining if drain connection is large
enough for relief devices.
To determ ine w hether or not pressure relief valves are
needed for a specific application, keep in m ind that:
a. Vessels w ith close-coupled shutoff valves m ay
cause high potentially dam aging hydrostatic
pressures as fluid tem perature rises.
b. Relief valves are required by Am erican Society of
M echanical Engineers (ASM E) codes w hen the
waterside is ASM E. Follow ASM E guidelines or
other applicable codes/local regulation to ensure
proper relief valve installation.
Install a strainer in the entering side of each piping circuit
to avoid possible tube plugging in the chiller w ith debris.
Required Flow -Sensing Devices
The ifm efector
flow detection controller and sensor (see
“ Water Flow Detection Controller and Sensor—ifm
Proper Water Treatment!
Trane assumes no responsibility for equipment failures
w hich result from untreated or improperly treated
water, or saline or brackish water. The use of untreated
or improperly treated water in a CenTraVac could result
in scaling, erosion, corrosion, algae or slime. It is
recommended that the services of a qualified water
treatment specialist be engaged to determine w hat
water treatment, if any, is required.
Waterbox Damage!
Failure to follow instructions could result in damage to
the waterbox. Do not over-tighten or use excessive
pipe tape w hen installing valves, drains, plugs
and vents on waterboxes.
Failure to install pressure-relief valves in the condenser
and evaporator w ater circuits could result in waterbox
damage due to hydrostatic expansion.
Tube Damage!
Failure to install strainers in all w ater piping entering
the chiller could result in tube plugging conditions that
damage unit components.
Summary of Contents for CVHH
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