Symptoms and Solutions
This section lists the most common troubleshooting
symptoms and the closest potential solution for each.
This is not an exhaustive listing of all potential causes
or resolutions, but represents the best direction in
which to initiate a solution.
e:: An anti-short cycle timer is included in the
primary microprocessor controller to prevent the
compressors from starting until the delay has
elapsed. The microprocessor also provides
minimum compressor run timers. Take these
fixed timer parameters into consideration when
conducting a fault isolation process.
1. Symptom: Compressor will not start
Possible Causes
Potential Solutions
Circuit breakers are in the OFF position
Moves circuit breakers to the ON position in the power distribution
Temperature control not in demand
Set point has been reached or still within band
Differential pressure switch open due condenser flow switch open
Condenser side loss of flow; clean strainer
Refrigerant low pressure switch open
Low refrigerant level or low pressure event has occurred four times
and locked out the circuit
High pressure switch open
Low flow rate; check for dirty or clogged strainer. Requires a manual
Flow switch defective
Replace FS-1 and FS-2 switch
Compressor overload opened
Allow motor to cool and reset; high amp load/floodback; loose
connection, or low refrigerant charge
No high voltage power to contactor
Check breakers; energize from power distribution panel and module
electrical panel; check ON/OFF button in touchscreen interface
Phase monitor open or tripped
Over or under 4% to 8%; loss of leg
2. Symptom: Compressor will not run
Possible Causes
Potential Solutions
Compressor not powered
Assure all circuit breakers are in the ON position
Circuit breakers open
Check circuits and motor winding for shorts or grounds
Tripped circuit breaker
Reset breakers after fault is corrected
Investigate for possible overloading
Overloads are auto-reset. Monitor to assure the overload does not re-
Electrical overamp breaker tripped
Repair or replace
Defective contactor or coil
Determine type and cause. Correct fault before replacing parts.
System shut down by safety devices
Repair, replace, or correct safety issue (for example, no flow, low
Liquid line solenoid will not open
Check coil for open circuit, short circuit, or burnout. Replace coil or
entire valve, if needed
Motor electrical trouble
Replace tandem compressors
3. Symptom: Compressor has excessive noise or vibration
Possible Causes
Potential Solutions
Flooding of refrigerant into crankcase
Low fluid flow across heat exchanger; clogged strainer. Check setting
of expansion valve
Improper discharge piping support
Repair as necessary. Relocate, add, or remove supports
Improper or worn compressor supports
Replace supports
Worn compressor
Replace tandem compressors