Figure 31.
PolyTherm secondary module high voltage
Touchscreen Interface Panel
The touchscreen interface panel is the primary means
for controlling and monitoring the system for operator
and maintainer. An operator touch screen interface
panel is installed on the primary module to allow
operator adjustment of user set points and alarm
monitoring. See
Figure 32.
PolyTherm chiller/heater touchscreen
interface panel
Microprocessor Control System
PolyTherm chiller/heater models employ an all-digital
data control system to control and report key system
settings and indicators.
Primary Microprocessor Controller
A microprocessor controller is used to control tasks
and automate functions. One microprocessor controller
is designated the primary controller. All others are
called secondary controllers. The primary
microprocessor controller rotates the lead compressors
every 168 system operating hours. The primary
controller reads all analog and fault port values from
the secondary controllers and passes these values to
the Building Automation System (BAS). This controller
must have the optional BAS card installed to connect to
a building automation system.
Figure 33.
PolyTherm chiller/heater controller
Secondary Microprocessor Controller
In a normal configuration, a secondary controller
controls the single module to which it is dedicated. The
distributed design of the microprocessor controller
system enables the chiller/heater to operate in the
event the primary microprocessor controller fails. The
system automatically fails-over to distributed primary
control where each secondary controller operates its
own module in the normal fashion, but lacks the ability
to rotate the lead compressors every 168 system
operating hours. See
Microprocessor Controller Functions
The microprocessor provides the following functions
and alarms: