Chiller/Heater Performance Data
This manual uses a typical 120-ton water-cooled chiller/
heater consisting of four modules with brazed plate
heat exchangers and condensers for example
purposes. The model number and a chiller/heater’s
precise configuration can be found on the model
nameplate. See
“Model Number and Coding,” p. 8
Table 13.
PolyTherm chiller/heater example specifications)
Chiller/Heater (Four 30-ton Modules (TPWCCMV0300T3-MM-HR-3HX))
Evaporator Type:
Brazed plate
Fluid: Water
Brazed plate
Fluid: Water
Source/Sink Hx:
Brazed plate
Fluid: 30% Glycol
Cooling Mode
Source/Sink Heat Exchanger
EFT = 55 °F (13 °C)
LFT = 45 °F (7 °C)
EFT = 65 °F (18 °C)
LFT = 77 °F (25 °C)
Flow Rate:
600 gpm
Flow Rate:
650 gpm
Pressure Drop:
3.8 psi
Pressure Drop:
4.2 psi
Cooling Capacity:
3,480,000 btu/hr (290 tons)
Heating Mode
Source/Sink Heat Exchanger
EFT = 100 °F (38 °C)
LFT = 120 °F (49 °C)
EFT = 60 °F (16 °C)
LFT = 50 °F (10 °C)
Flow Rate:
300 gpm
Flow Rate:
424 gpm
Pressure Drop:
1.6 psi
Pressure Drop:
2.4 psi
Cooling Capacity:
2,968,000 Btu/hr (870 kW)
Simultaneous Heating and Cooling Mode
Load (Cold)
Load (Hot)
EFT = 55 °F (13 °C)
LFT = 45 °F (7 °C)
EFT = 100 °F (38 °C)
LFT = 120 °F (49 °C)
Flow Rate:
476 gpm
Flow Rate:
346 gpm
Pressure Drop:
2.7 psi
Pressure Drop:
2.0 psi
Cooling Capacity:
2,380,000 Btu/hr (198.3 tons)
Heating Capacity:
3,480,000 Btu/hr (1,010 kW)
Key: Btu/hr = British Thermal Units per hour; EFT = Entering Fluid Temperature; gpm = gallons per minute; Hx = Heat exchanger; kW =
kilowatt; LFT = Leaving Fluid Temperature; psi = pounds per square inch.