Figure 16.
Interface navigation scheme
Primary Module
Secondary Modules
Home Screen
On startup, the home screen, entitled ‘System Control,’
is displayed. From the home screen, all major function
at each access level can be accessed. The system
control screen is the home screen that is a convenient
starting point for most interactions described below.
Modules Layout Screen
On the home screen, pressing the module layout
button displays the modules layout screen (
). This screen is a graphical representation of the
modules that are available in the chiller/heater.
Overview Screens
Overview of main chiller/heater module refrigeration
parameters and status of its components: refrigeration
circuit, heat exchangers, compressors, and the module
itself. There are two overview screens for each module.
These screens are different for the primary module and
the secondary modules.
Input/Output Screen
The state and description of the module
microprocessor controller’s digital and analog inputs
and outputs. The I/O menu is comprised of four screens
for primary module and three screens for secondary
Trend Screens
Trending curves for cooling and heating demand are
displayed here. There are two trend screens: cooling
trends and heating trends. The trend screens apply
only to the primary module.
Setup Screens
Setup screens are available only for the ‘admin’ level.
Setup screens contain all the chiller/heater settings
applied to system and for individual module settings.
Access to these screens is restricted to administrator
level only.