This column describes all refrigeration cycle related
alarms, and captures the instantaneous values of the
following parameters: Discharge Pressure, Suction
Pressure, EXV Position, Suction Superheat
Temperature, Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature,
Condenser Leaving Water Temperature, Source
Leaving Water Temperature. This functionality applies
to the following alarms: Compressor Failure,
Compressor Lockout, Evaporator Freeze Alarm, Source
Freeze Alarm, Evaporator Flow Alarm, Condenser Flow
Alarm, Source Flow Alarm, Discharge Pressure and
Suction Pressure.
This column is the date-time stamp indicating exactly
when the alarm occurred.
Check / Uncheck All
This button is used for selecting and deselecting all
listed alarms with a single action.
‘Hide Not Triggered’ Drop Down Menu
This is used to either list all the alarms, both active and
non-active, or only active alarms (the default selection).
Pressing this button acknowledges the alarm and
removes it from the active alarms list.
Pressing this button allows a specific non-active alarm
to remain on the active alarms list.
Pressing this button saves the changes made to the
active alarms list. Any changes that are made without
saving will be lost.
Reset PLC
This button, located in the upper right portion of the
screen, resets the active alarms in the primary
microprocessor, so they could be further
acknowledged or reset on the touchscreen interface.
Only those alarms for which the alarm condition is
‘false’ can be reset in the microprocessor controller;
otherwise, the RESET PLC button will have no effect.
Example: An evaporator freezing alarm occurs when
the evaporator Leaving Water Temperature (LWT)
drops below the freezing alarm threshold, which is 36.0
°F (2.2 °C). The alarm occurs and:
The alarm can be reset when the reset PLC button is
pressed and the evaporator LWT is below the
freezing alarm threshold. The freezing alarm
threshold equals 36.0 °F (2.2 °C) by default.
The LWT is below 36.0 °F (2.2 °C). The alarm cannot
be reset until the evaporator LWT exceeds 37.0 °F
(2.8 °C).
The LWT is above 37.0 °F (2.8 °C). Pressing the reset
PLC button clears the alarm.
A list of all chiller/heater alarms are found in
Alarm History
On the active alarms screen, pressing the alarm history
button displays the alarm history screen.