Section 3: Programming
Operator Manual
Doc. No. 101205
3.3.3 ISO 1, 2, 3 EN/DISABLE
The ISO Tracks are the three tracks available for the card swipe head to read. The
ATM is defaulted to only read from Track #2. This parameter should not be
changed. Changing the ISO tracks can cause the ATM to not read cards properly.
The MiniBank 1500 ATM supports 5 on screen languages: English, French, Spanish,
Korean and Japanese. The optional languages will display on the welcome screen,
then the customer will be prompted to choose a language to be used for the rest of
that transaction.
The optional languages are displayed on screen only and do not print on the
receipt or journal. Receipts, journals and operator menus are always in English. To
enable or disable a language, simply press the button next to the language you wish
to change.