Section 3: Programming
Operator Manual
Doc. No. 101205
Successful entry of both passwords will grant access to the Key Management screen.
From the moment the Key Management area is entered, a 5 minute timer begins. At
the end of 5 minutes, regardless of what you are doing (entering a master key for
example) the Key Management area times out and you will be taken back to the Host
Setup menu.
This option sets the type of master key you will be loading (TDES, DES, MAC etc.)
Refer to Addendum C for Key Mode descriptions and instructions.
The ATM will hold up to 16 individual Master Keys. Check with your processor to find
if they are expected to be at a certain location. For example Coredata is always
installed at index #9, most other processors are installed at index #0 or #1. The
ATM will only use the key that the index is set to regardless of how many keys are
installed. To set the index simply press the button labeled Master Key Index and
then enter the number you want it set to (enter as a 2 digit number ... 00, 01, 02,
10, 11 etc.) press Enter when done. Press Check Master Key to see a list of
currently installed keys.
This will show the list of available master keys and their appropriate checksums. The
checksum is a 4 digit number calculated from the two 16-digit numbers of your
master key that provides a means to verify the master key is correct. When your
processor provides your Master Keys, they will also give you the 4 digit checksum. If
after entering your Master Key this checksum does not match, try reentering your
master keys or contact the processor.
This is where you enter your two 16-digit Master Keys (provided by your processor).
After pressing Edit Master Key, you will be prompted to enter an index where you
want this key stored. If you do not know which index to use, contact your dealer or
Because of the MiniBank 1500’s Encrypted Pin Pad, you do NOT use the LCD
buttons to enter the letters for the master key. Please refer to the Appendix
included with the manual for entering master keys.