NVR User
s Manual
For instance, when the threshold is set to 5GB (5120MB), and there are
20GB free disk space remaining in the HDD, the NVR can only access the
HDD no more than 15GB.
Un-check the
Circular Recording
box, and the NVR will stop recording when
HDD is full.
Alarm Behavior Configuration
Users can setup the pre-alarm / post-alarm video duration to be a part of
event videos.
Check the
Post-Alarm Recording
Pre-Alarm Recording
box to enable the
post-alarm / pre-alarm video recording function. Then, input the desired pre-
alarm / post-alarm duration to the entry field. The time duration range is from
5 to 120 seconds. Note that normal video recording
be enabled in
order to provide video data to the matching event video.